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Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2772356] 29.04.19 13:10 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2772244)
Odgovori   +    0
FT nima samo zanimivih člankov ampak pogosto tudi zanimive linke in zanimive debate pod njimi. Dober primer je članek o predlogu torijske vlade, da bodo z Brexitom ukinili subvencioniranje visokošolskih šolnin za študente iz EU. Ti naj bi namesto sedanjih 9 kGBP za letnik plačevali tja do 27 kGBP, enako kot Kitajci, Indijci, Nigerijci itn. Meni se položaj zdi zelo zanimiv, ker ni čisto jasno, ali gre samo za subvencioniranje zaenkrat še napol tujih (EU) študentov ali za subvencioniranje visokošolskega aparata. Če koga zanima ta tematika...
Opinion Instant Insight
Plans to charge EU students more are short-sighted
Post-Brexit designs for English universities threaten the UK’s soft power
While the Department for Education argues that the UK exchequer is subsidising EU students too much by charging them only the same fees as British undergraduates, the move will lead to less, rather than more revenue for some universities — those that struggle to recruit from overseas (rather than the elite, research-intensive Russell Group, where about one-third are currently from outside the UK). Higher education is a global business and highly competitive, with courses taught in English available not just in the Anglosphere but in increasing numbers in Asian and European institutions, too. Recruitment to the UK is already falling behind, research shows.