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Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Britanska policija je aretirala Juliana Assangea

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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Azil ZAHTEVA SPOŠTOVANJE določenih norm. Če konstantno serješ po gostitelju, se te pač enkrat naveliča. Nkateri pač prosijo za batino, dokler je ne dobijo. TOLE seveda ne bo pisalo v SLo. Seveda, super je če groziš nekomu ki te vzdržjuje.

“Finally, two days ago Wikileaks, Mr Assange’s allied organisation, threatened the government of Ecuador.

“The most recent incident occurred in January 2019 when wikiLeaks leaked Vatican documents.


“Ecuador has fulfilled its obligations in the framework of international law.

“On the other hand, Mr Assange violated repeatedly, clear cut provisions of the conventions on diplomatic asylum of Havana and Caracas; despite the fact that he was requested on several occasions to respect and abide by these rules.”

“He particularly violated the norm of not intervening in the international affairs of other states.

“The most recent incident occurred in January 2019 when wikiLeaks leaked Vatican documents.

“Key members of that organisation visited Mr Assange before and after such illegal acts.

“This and other publications have confirmed the world’s suspicion that Mr Assange is still linked to Wikileaks and therefore involved in interfering in internal affairs of other states.

“The patience of Ecuador has richer its limit to the behaviour of Mr Assange.

“He installed electronic and distortion equipment not allowed.

“He blocked the security cameras of the Ecuadorian Mission in London.

“He has confronted and mistreated guard. He had accessed security files of our Embassy without permission.

“He claimed to be isolated and rejected the internet connection offered by the embassy and yet he had a mobile phone with which he communicated with the outside world.

“While Ecuador upheld the generous conditions of his asylum, Mr Assange legally challenged in three difference instances the legality of the protocol.

“In all cases the relevant judicial authorities have validated Ecuador’s position.

“In line with our strong commitment to human rights and international law I requested to Great Britain to guarantee that Mr Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture of the death penalty.

“The British government has confirmed it in writing, in accordance with its own rules.

“Finally, two days ago Wikileaks, Mr Assange’s allied organisation, threatened the government of Ecuador.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2769181

Strani: 1

shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
ja ok, nimam problema z odlocitvijo ekvadorja, moti me, kako ga je britanska milicija pospravila v marico ko navadnega kriminalca

eu bi sedaj morala reagirati in to zahojeno drzavo takoj fukniti iz eu.

Strani: 1