
Strani: 1

anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763438] 13.03.19 14:06
Odgovori   +    2
Imajo smolo pri Boeingu.
Airbusi lepo v vodo padejo in se jih več ne najde.
philips sporočil: 6.715
[#2763440] 13.03.19 14:17 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2763438)
Odgovori   +    3
Imajo smolo pri Boeingu.
Airbusi lepo v vodo padejo in se jih več ne najde.
Dobr so tole šparanje Ameri do perverznosti pripeljali... Vitka država pa to:

In 2005, the regulator shifted its approach for how it delegated authority outside the agency, creating a new program through which aircraft manufacturers like Boeing could choose their own employees to be the designees and help certify their planes.

The program is intended to help the F.A.A. stretch its limited resources, while also benefiting plane makers who are eager to avoid delays in the certification process.

The regulator maintains offices inside Boeing’s factories, including those in Renton, Wash., and in Charleston, S.C. “I’ve raised this concern in the past, about people who go to work at the Boeing plant who work for the F.A.A.,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and the chairman of the House transportation committee. “How much scrutiny are they applying, and could they be influenced?”
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763450] 13.03.19 14:41 · odgovor na: philips (#2763440)
Odgovori   +    1
Dobr so tole šparanje Ameri do perverznosti pripeljali... Vitka država pa to:

In 2005, the regulator shifted its approach for how it delegated authority outside the agency, creating a new program through which aircraft manufacturers like Boeing could choose their own employees to be the designees and help certify their planes.

The program is intended to help the F.A.A. stretch its limited resources, while also benefiting plane makers who are eager to avoid delays in the certification process.

The regulator maintains offices inside Boeing’s factories, including those in Renton, Wash., and in Charleston, S.C. “I’ve raised this concern in the past, about people who go to work at the Boeing plant who work for the F.A.A.,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and the chairman of the House transportation committee. “How much scrutiny are they applying, and could they be influenced?”
Torej ni Alenka Bratušek prva sama sebe predlagala in sama sebe potrdila?
philips sporočil: 6.715
[#2763452] 13.03.19 14:46 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2763450)
Odgovori   +    0
> [philips]
> Dobr so tole šparanje Ameri do perverznosti pripeljali... Vitka država pa to:
> In 2005, the regulator shifted its approach for how it delegated authority outside the agency, creating a new program through which aircraft manufacturers like Boeing could choose their own employees to be the designees and help certify their planes.
> The program is intended to help the F.A.A. stretch its limited resources, while also benefiting plane makers who are eager to avoid delays in the certification process.
> The regulator maintains offices inside Boeing’s factories, including those in Renton, Wash., and in Charleston, S.C. “I’ve raised this concern in the past, about people who go to work at the Boeing plant who work for the F.A.A.,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and the chairman of the House transportation committee. “How much scrutiny are they applying, and could they be influenced?”

Torej ni Alenka Bratušek prva sama sebe predlagala in sama sebe potrdila?
A šta to ima sa poljoprivedom (bi rekel moj desetar...).
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763456] 13.03.19 14:50 · odgovor na: philips (#2763452)
Odgovori   +    1
> [jani1974]
> > [philips]
> > The regulator maintains offices inside Boeing’s factories, including those in Renton, Wash., and in Charleston, S.C. “I’ve raised this concern in the past, about people who go to work at the Boeing plant who work for the F.A.A.,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and the chairman of the House transportation committee. “How much scrutiny are they applying, and could they be influenced?”
> >
> >
> Torej ni Alenka Bratušek prva sama sebe predlagala in sama sebe potrdila?

A šta to ima sa poljoprivedom (bi rekel moj desetar...).
Alenkina rit je skoraj tako velika kot Boeingov jumbo.
philips sporočil: 6.715
[#2763461] 13.03.19 15:05 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2763456)
Odgovori   +    0
> [philips]
> > [jani1974]
> > > [philips]
> > > The regulator maintains offices inside Boeing’s factories, including those in Renton, Wash., and in Charleston, S.C. “I’ve raised this concern in the past, about people who go to work at the Boeing plant who work for the F.A.A.,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and the chairman of the House transportation committee. “How much scrutiny are they applying, and could they be influenced?”
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Torej ni Alenka Bratušek prva sama sebe predlagala in sama sebe potrdila?
> A šta to ima sa poljoprivedom (bi rekel moj desetar...).

Alenkina rit je skoraj tako velika kot Boeingov jumbo.
Ne se ven vlečti, začutil si potrebo da amerom rit rešuješ, pa čeprav samo tule na tem forumu
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763463] 13.03.19 15:13 · odgovor na: philips (#2763461)
Odgovori   +    1
> [jani1974]
> > [philips]
> > > [jani1974]
> > > > [philips]
> > > > The regulator maintains offices inside Boeing’s factories, including those in Renton, Wash., and in Charleston, S.C. “I’ve raised this concern in the past, about people who go to work at the Boeing plant who work for the F.A.A.,” said Representative Peter A. DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and the chairman of the House transportation committee. “How much scrutiny are they applying, and could they be influenced?”
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > Torej ni Alenka Bratušek prva sama sebe predlagala in sama sebe potrdila?
> >
> > A šta to ima sa poljoprivedom (bi rekel moj desetar...).
> Alenkina rit je skoraj tako velika kot Boeingov jumbo.

Ne se ven vlečti, začutil si potrebo da amerom rit rešuješ, pa čeprav samo tule na tem forumu
No, vsekakor imajo ameri več težav s svojo, kot Alenka s svojo.
Ampak reševal bi vseeno Alenkino.
spiderman sporočil: 1.741
[#2763467] 13.03.19 15:31
Odgovori   +    1
Po drugi nesreči, preden je bil sploh ugotovjen vzrok (sem mogoče kaj spregledal), kar prizeljiti vsa letala tega tipa na svetu!?!?!.
Ni to malo preuranjeno? Na pamet?
Izgleda kot, da je tukaj nekaj drugega v igri, kot "samo" varnost potnikov.
ne vem no...
philips sporočil: 6.715
[#2763468] 13.03.19 15:40 · odgovor na: spiderman (#2763467)
Odgovori   +    3
Po drugi nesreči, preden je bil sploh ugotovjen vzrok (sem mogoče kaj spregledal), kar prizeljiti vsa letala tega tipa na svetu!?!?!.
Ni to malo preuranjeno? Na pamet?
Izgleda kot, da je tukaj nekaj drugega v igri, kot "samo" varnost potnikov.
ne vem no...
Res ne veš. Od Kitajske do UK sama zarota proti Trumpu al kaj?... Verjetno so že samo klici zavarovlanic bili dovolj da so bili prepovedani leti...
anon-191845 sporočil: 961
[#2763469] 13.03.19 15:49 · odgovor na: spiderman (#2763467)
Odgovori   +    3
Zadnja sprememba: anon-191845 13.03.2019 15:50
Padec novega aviona ranga 737-8 stane cca. 180 mio€, nato preiskava nadaljnjih 25-30 mio€, zatem pride še plačilo svojcem umrlih ali poškodovanih potnikov, za to velikost aviona cca. 150-200 mio€, zavarovalnica ukine dodatni popust na skupno zavarovalno maso in sicer še huje kot pri avtomobilih, da ne govorimo kje je razvrednotenje podjetja, kje so plačila izgub zaradi neletenja in še marskija drugega, kratko in jedrnato: če jih ne bi prizemljili bi imel Boeing škode ranga 6 - 8 milijad €..., tako pa bo lahko vesel če bo splaval za cca. 4 milijarde €.
crt sporočil: 27.686
[#2763470] 13.03.19 15:51 · odgovor na: philips (#2763468)
Odgovori   +    3
just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you :)
crt sporočil: 27.686
[#2763471] 13.03.19 15:53 · odgovor na: crt (#2763470)
Odgovori   +    1
kot zanimivost: lufthansa je pravkar nabavila +20 komadov.

se je pa menda zmenila za special price.
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[#2763477] 13.03.19 16:16 · odgovor na: crt (#2763471)
Odgovori   +    1
kot zanimivost: lufthansa je pravkar nabavila +20 komadov.
se je pa menda zmenila za special price.
Nabavlja 787 in ne 737.
crt sporočil: 27.686
[#2763479] 13.03.19 16:18 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2763477)
Odgovori   +    0
ja, in nabavlja jih v takticno pravem trenutku.

sklepal bi, da lufthansa meni, da ne bo prislo do se vecje stale (ki bi se bolj stisnila manevrski prostor prodajalca).
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[#2763483] 13.03.19 16:31 · odgovor na: crt (#2763479)
Odgovori   +    0
ja, in nabavlja jih v takticno pravem trenutku.
sklepal bi, da lufthansa meni, da ne bo prislo do se vecje stale (ki bi se bolj stisnila manevrski prostor prodajalca).
Saj veš, da datum objave ni vedno datum podpisa. Po mojem Lufthansa v tem primeru čisto po naključju izgleda Glückvogel. :-)
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[#2763485] 13.03.19 16:32 · odgovor na: (#2763480)
Odgovori   +    1
Alenka se pa s tanartavelkim erbasom pelje u Hjustn :-P
Samo največji je komaj zadosti velik zanjo. :-)
crt sporočil: 27.686
[#2763493] 13.03.19 17:42 · odgovor na: crt (#2763479)
Odgovori   +    0
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763497] 13.03.19 18:16 · odgovor na: (#2763480)
Odgovori   +    1
Alenka se pa s tanartavelkim erbasom pelje u Hjustn :-P

Za ministrico ni, za poseksat pa?
crt sporočil: 27.686
[#2763501] 13.03.19 18:25 · odgovor na: crt (#2763493)
Odgovori   +    0
Boeing’s software update to the 737 Max 8 was reportedly delayed more than a month because of the government shutdown

shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
[#2763506] 13.03.19 18:41 · odgovor na: crt (#2763501)
Odgovori   +    0
Boeing’s software update to the 737 Max 8 was reportedly delayed more than a month because of the government shutdown
iskanje gresnega kozla? ker boeing ne sme bit kriv, anede
shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
[#2763510] 13.03.19 19:09
Odgovori   +    0
"V bistvu je boieng 737 prizemljen, s temi letali se lahko leti le še v ZDA, v Čilu, Izraelu, ponekod na Bližnjem in Srednjem Vzhodu, v Ukrajini in ponekod v Afriki"

dobro videti, kje vse nimajo lastne volje, ampak ameri odlocajo namesto njih. nevretencarji
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763513] 13.03.19 19:24 · odgovor na: (#2763499)
Odgovori   +    0
Ce ti odgovorim z njenim najbolj pogostim izrazom: Absolutno!
No vidiš, pa sva našla eno temo, kjer se strinjava :-P
crt sporočil: 27.686
[#2763516] 13.03.19 19:43 · odgovor na: crt (#2763501)
Odgovori   +    0
President Donald Trump announced he intends to order a grounding of all 737 Max aircraft effective immediately.
shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
[#2763518] 13.03.19 20:21 · odgovor na: crt (#2763516)
Odgovori   +    0
President Donald Trump announced he intends to order a grounding of all 737 Max aircraft effective immediately.
Ja, zdaj ko itak ne morejo nikamor več letet z njimi. Grozdje je kislo, je rekla lisica...
philips sporočil: 6.715
[#2763520] 13.03.19 20:26 · odgovor na: crt (#2763501)
Odgovori   +    0
Boeing’s software update to the 737 Max 8 was reportedly delayed more than a month because of the government shutdown

Vedno boljše. Zdaj bodo lahko direkt ZDA tožili
anon-476752 sporočil: 484
[#2763522] 13.03.19 20:35 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2763497)
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: anon-476752 13.03.2019 20:37
aaaa? tole je za koga okusno? bljek. očitno niste nikoli imeli prave manekenke v postelji da vam je vsec to salo
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2763570] 14.03.19 07:51 · odgovor na: anon-476752 (#2763522)
Odgovori   +    0
aaaa? tole je za koga okusno? bljek. očitno niste nikoli imeli prave manekenke v postelji da vam je vsec to salo
Imeli vse sorte in ugotovili, kaj nam je najbolj všeč.

Strani: 1