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philips sporočil: 6.715
Seveda je bil izbran, saj je predsednik parlamenta.
In tudi ne bo kar ostal predsednik države, ampak bo samo začasno, da razpiše nove volitve.
Niti ni bil izvolje. Ne verjemi vsega CNN & Co.

To make a short story shorter, US Vice President Pence phoned Guaidó on the evening of January 22rd and presumably asked him how’d he like to be made president of Venezuela. The next day, Guaidó announced that he considered himself president of Venezuela, followed within minutes by US President Trump confirming the self-appointment.

A few weeks before on January 5, Guaidó had been installed as president of Venezuela’s National Assembly, their unicameral legislature. He had been elected to the assembly from a coastal district with 26% of the vote. It was his party’s turn for the presidency of the body, and he was hand-picked for the position. Guaidó, even within his own party, was not in the top leadership.