Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

0126Bacis sporočil: 3.027
No shit, kdo bo pa ministru tole razložil (saj smo dali vodo v ustavo):

Plastic grocery bags require 70% less energy to manufacture than paper bags.
In fact, it takes far more raw materials and fossil fuel energy to grow and harvest trees,
make pulp and turn it into paper bags, than to make plastic bags.

Manufacturing plastic bags also consumes less than 4% of the water needed to make paper bags.
In the process, plastic bags produce fewer greenhouse gases per use than paper or cotton bags.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2758244

Strani: 1

najobj sporočil: 31.917
No shit, kdo bo pa ministru tole razložil (saj smo dali vodo v ustavo):

Plastic grocery bags require 70% less energy to manufacture than paper bags.
In fact, it takes far more raw materials and fossil fuel energy to grow and harvest trees,
make pulp and turn it into paper bags, than to make plastic bags.

Manufacturing plastic bags also consumes less than 4% of the water needed to make paper bags.
In the process, plastic bags produce fewer greenhouse gases per use than paper or cotton bags.
... eh, počakaj malo, ker bo Leben zrihtal, da bo solata rastla v hladilniku in je sploh ne boš rabil kupit, kaj šele da bi jo mokro v papirnati vrečki iz trgovine nosil domov ...

Strani: 1