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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2755940] 31.01.19 23:48 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2755877)
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Ključne besede: Wisconsin z republikanskim guvernerjem, Foxconn, subvencije, investicije, delovna mesta, Trump itn.

Povzetek ključnih podatkov iz New Yorkerja:
When it was signed, less than two years ago, the deal that Wisconsin struck with the electronics giant Foxconn contained all kinds of headline-grabbing numbers: the company promised a ten-billion-dollar investment in the state, a new 21.5-million-square-foot campus for manufacturing L.C.D. screens, and as many as thirteen thousand new jobs, paying an average wage of fifty-four thousand dollars a year.
But since then Wisconsinites have found out a lot more about the $4.5 billion in taxpayer subsidies that Foxconn was promised ... along with the pollution waivers and special legal privileges that it was granted and the bulldozing of neighborhoods that it needed to acquire the land it wanted.
Since the Foxconn deal was initially struck, it has looked worse and worse. First the company announced that it was scaling down its plan for the manufacturing facility: it would need only three thousand workers, and, because much of the production at the facility would be automated, many of the jobs would be for “knowledge workers,” not blue-collar workers. Then, on Wednesday, a company representative told Reuters, plainly, “In Wisconsin we’re not building a factory.” Although the company once planned to hire more than five thousand people by the end of 2020, it now expects the number to be closer to a thousand, and most of those will be in research and design positions.
Za dobro vago pa še poročilo Reutersa:
Now, those plans may be scaled back or even shelved, Louis Woo, special assistant to Foxconn Chief Executive Terry Gou, told Reuters. He said the company was still evaluating options for Wisconsin, but cited the steep cost of making advanced TV screens in the United States, where labor expenses are comparatively high.
“In terms of TV, we have no place in the U.S.,” he said in an interview. “We can’t compete.”
“In Wisconsin we’re not building a factory. You can’t use a factory to view our Wisconsin investment,” Woo said.
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