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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
UPS, ko so v EU racunali stroske Brexita, so sli najprej skupaj z Junckerjem na "malico". Nekdo je napisal: se ne bom sekiral ce bom namesto Golfa z radiem dobil Mustanga.

Poleg tega so bili DRUGI najvecji vplacnik v proracun. Zna biti da bo tole Black swan za Nemcijo: padajoca prodaja na Kitajsko, sedaj pa se GB. Hipertofirana avtomobilska bo potegnila za sabo vse...

Germany sells about 14% of all the passenger cars it makes domestically to the UK, a little over one in seven. (That makes up about 18% of the passenger cars it exports, a little under one in five).

Last year, the Office for National Statistics says that we bought about £90 billion more in goods than we sold to other EU countries. At the same time, we ran a £20 billion trade surplus in services, selling more than we bought. So our overall trade deficit in good and services was about £70 billion overall.