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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
Predpogoj za politično nekorektnost ni spolna in etnična identiteta posameznika. 25% ameriške populacije predstavljajo beli moški.
Za trumpa je volilo izjemno veliko belih zensk, ceprav je nasproti stala potencialno prva predsednica ZDA.

n fact, 52% of white women in 2016 cast their vote for Donald Trump. That was despite the 22 allegations of sexual misconduct against him. Roy Moore got 63% of the white women’s vote in the 2017 Alabama Senate race, despite the sexual misconduct allegations against him. And Republican women were the only demographic that increased its support for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during the hearings of sexual assault allegations during his confirmation process in October.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2751021

Strani: 1

anon-116402 sporočil: 4.340
Seveda moraš dodati še tole:
Our research led us to conclude that Republican women will mainly stand firm in their party affiliation. They are loyal to the party, even if political moderates and those who identify as the progressive Left have concluded that the GOP does not respect women’s voices and bodies.
Logično! Zakaj bi konservativec spreminjal mnenje o nekom, katerega so levi progresivci nekaj obtožili. Kot se je izkazalo v primeru Brett Kavanaugh, povsem po krivem.

Strani: 1