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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2744899] 28.11.18 11:39 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2744898)
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Državna banka NordLB mrzlično išče investitorje. Ta severnonemška deželna banka v večinski lasti zvezne dežele Spodnje Saške, ima po podatkih Bafina za najmanj 3,5 GEUR veliko kapitalsko luknjo, ki jo je treba zapolniti do konca leta. To naj bi storil nov investitor, a v Vaterlandu očitno ni takega bančnega junaka. Commerzbank naj ne bi oddala zavezujoče ponudbe za NordLB v roku (danes), morda pa tudi ne Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba), piše Handelsblatt. Tako bi v igri očitno ostala samo še tuji finančni skupini Cerberus in Apollo.
Um die Kapitalnöte der NordLB in den Griff zu bekommen, machte sich der Mehrheitseigner, das Land Niedersachsen, auf die Suche nach neuen Kapitalgebern. Das Institut leidet schon länger an Belastungen durch faule Schiffskredite. Und seit einem Verlust von rund zwei Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2016, der aus der Übernahme der Bremer Landesbank resultierte, ist die NordLB nicht mehr richtig auf die Beine gekommen.
Bei den Verhandlungen in Hannover geht es aber nicht nur um das Schicksal der Landesbank. Die Sparkassen befürchten, dass sich der Fall zum Einfalltor für private Investoren in den öffentlich rechtlichen Sektor entwickeln könnte.
Das Thema ist sensibel. Bislang konnte die Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe jeden Versuch von Investoren abwehren, in die Phalanx der öffentlich-rechtlichen Sparkassen einzubrechen. So schlug der Versuch des Stralsunder Oberbürgermeisters fehl, die Sparkasse der Hansestadt an ein privates Institut zu verkaufen. Bei der Privatisierung der Bankgesellschaft Berlin, zu der auch die Berliner Sparkasse gehörte, gelang es dem Deutschen Sparkassen- und Giroverband, private Investoren zu überbieten.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2744899

Strani: 1

pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2744901] 28.11.18 11:59 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2744899)
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Za posladek pa še ena kitajska bombastična novica: najbogatejši Kitajec, multimilijarder, podjetniški guru s človeškim obrazom, ustanovitelj imperija Alibaba & co., domnevno apolitični Jack Ma je po poročanju kitajskega partijskega glasila "Ljudski dnevnik" član komunistične partije. To je omenjeno v članku, ki hvali sto posameznikov zaradi njihovega prispevka k reformam in odpiranju Kitajske. Poročajo praktično vsi mediji. :-)

It was unclear why the paper chose to mention Ma’s affiliation now but it comes amid a push by Beijing to bring the country’s private enterprises more in line with Party values, especially in the technology sector that has grown rapidly, driven by the successes of private firms.
Ma, who announced in September he would step down as Alibaba chairman next year, is China’s highest-profile business leader. He has acted as an adviser to political leaders in Asia and Europe and fostered big ambitions in the United States.
He has driven Alibaba to become a $390 billion giant, which dominates China’s online retail market, stretches from logistics to social media, and has spawned a separate fintech empire around popular payment platform Alipay.
Ma’s political affiliation came as a surprise to many. Results from domestic search engine Baidu Inc, when asked “is Jack Ma a Communist Party member”, also mostly said that he was not.
Or, put more simply, why is Jack Ma a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC)?
He's been officially outed by the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the ruling party.
We don't know how long he's been a member for, but we do now know that he is one of approximately 88 million people who (are supposed to) pay monthly dues, attend regular meetings and sometimes submit themselves to "self criticism" to improve their ideological understanding.
Jack Ma is a strident defender of the way President Xi Jinping does business when it comes to foreign firms - and American presidents - who complain about getting access to markets in China.
This time last year, at an internet conference here, he told me, referring to companies like Facebook, "if they come here they have to say OK, I follow the Chinese rules and laws".
He preceded that reply by saying: "I'm not in government, I cannot speak on behalf of the government."

Strani: 1