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Izbrana tema: članek Slovenijo Slovencem 2018

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[Glavni forum] Tema: Slovenijo Slovencem 2018
[#2744450] 26.11.18 07:11 · odgovor na: 0126Bacis (#2744443)
Odgovori   +    1
Emmanuel Macron, the newly elected French president, has no children; German chancellor Angela Merkel has no children.
British prime minister, Theresa May has no children; Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni has no children; Holland’s prime minister, Mark Rutte, Sweden’s Stefan Löfven, Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel, and Scotland’s, first minster Nicola Sturgeon — all have no children.
clovek jih je nabral 8 ob tem, da si je moral pomagati se s skotsko kot samostojno.

v tekstu to stevilo predsednikov vlad brez otrok imenuje "grossly disproportionate", hkrati pa navede, da je evropska stopnja rodnosti med 0,2 in 1,1.

nekaj, kako bi rekel... ne gre skupaj.