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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2743655] 21.11.18 13:04 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2743647)
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Morda med članki o padanju kriptodenarja in prodaje/cene delnic Cinkarne Celje samo jaz nisem opazil nobene besede o močnem upadu vrednosti delnic globalnih tehno-info-sajber velikanov. O zdrsu FAANG in še veliko bolj njihovih kitajskih pandanov poroča Bloomberg.
U.S. stock investors don’t have much to be thankful for as we start the holiday season, and that’s largely because the big technology companies that helped drive the stock market up have been dragging it down lately.
But if the tech superpowers had their way, their share declines might have been even uglier.
Big U.S. tech companies such as Google, Facebook Inc., Amazon.com Inc. and Netflix Inc. have either been barred from operating their online services in China or been unsuccessful there despite their sometimes desperate efforts. Their Chinese shutout might have been a blessing in disguise — for the short term, at least — because the stock rout has been even worse for China’s tech giants, which are tied heavily to that country’s slowing economic growth, the trade fight with the U.S., and tightening government influence in tech and other commercial areas.
Just look at Amazon, whose stock price has fallen 27 percent from its 2018 peak in September but remains up 28 percent this year. Contrast that with the ugly stock chart of Chinese online shopping powerhouse Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., whose shares have fallen 31 percent from a June closing high and are down 15 percent for the year. Another e-commerce star in China, JD.com Inc., has lost half of its stock market value in 2018.
Manj pomirjujoče (brez whataboutističnega primerjanja s Kitajci) je poročanje Handelsblatta o bilijonskem (ne milijardnem!) padcu borzne vrednosti FAANG.
Die wichtigen FAANG-Werte – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix und Google – verlieren eine Billion Dollar seit ihren Höchstwerten. Investoren sind verunsichert.
Die sogenannten FAANG Aktien – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix und die Google-Mutter Alphabet – haben seit ihren Höchstwerten fast ein Viertel verloren. Das entspricht einer Billion Dollar. Allein Facebook hat seit dem 25. Juli 250 Milliarden Dollar an Wert verloren. Das ist fast so viel, wie SAP, Siemens und Bayer zusammen wert sind.
Apple und Amazon hatten erst in diesem Jahr einen Börsenwert von mehr als einer Billion erreicht. Davon sind sie nun wieder weit entfernt. Zum Börsenschluss konnten sich immerhin Facebook und Alphabet ins positive Territorium retten.
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