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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2743040] 17.11.18 21:34 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2742944)
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#obračun z zgodovino #državljanska vojna #diktatura #desni-levi #pozaba-spomin-sprava #Franco #ekshumacija #potomci #cerkev
On 13th September, Spain’s Congress of Deputies voted to expel the bones of General Francisco Franco from his Catholic-pharaonic tomb at the Valley of the Fallen. Not much longer would the Generalissimo be allowed to repose inside a vast basilica with black marble floors, flanked by chapels dedicated to the patron saints of his army, navy and air force, beneath a simple plate that bears his name but not his rank.
Seven years had passed since a government-appointed Commission of Experts recommended de-glorifying the dictator by way of exhumation. Suddenly it looked like the new Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez was going to make it happen.
The following Saturday morning, thousands went to pay respects while they still could. Francoists, nostalgists, day-trippers and rubberneckers formed a traffic jam of pilgrims along the A6 motorway and up the winding access road to the colossal, surreal mausoleum carved into a mountain outside Madrid, where a towering granite cross rises more than 150 metres straight out of the rock.
“It’s not about completing the transition to democracy,” said Ferrándiz. “It’s about doing away with the transition model and finding a new one.” The hope, in other words, is for an end to “the two Spains,” and for the birth of a third.
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The Politics of a Long-Dead Dictator Still Haunt Spain
The debate over exhuming Francisco Franco reveals a country still divided over his legacy—and what Spain’s bloody civil war means today.