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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2739552] 26.10.18 12:25 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739396)
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Spet bom Špeckahlanje zlorabil (kot je to nekoč lucidno predvidel filozofsko nadarjeni posebni dopisnik foruma iz Brexitanije) za pisunjenje o nečem, kar je zaklenjeno s sedmimi ključavnicami in ovito z ducat verigami - Kotnikova kolumna oz. bolj konkretno komentar forumskega tovariša Gobima pod njim.

Naj ne bere naprej tisti, ki ga ne zanimajo drobni črkobralski deželni obračuni, ker tule gre za osebni obračun z Gobimovim ponavljajočim se mantranjem in selektivnim citiranjem iz poročila nekega menda top šit tink tanka, ki sedi v Bruslju, gnezdu ne ravno demokratične nadnacionalne administracije ter lobističnih in podobnih sort tičev.
Malo prej (dec 2012) sta Berenger Bank in Lisbon Council oddala rutinsko letno poročilo EU-ju o fundamentalni makroekonomski trdnosti držav eurozone in ugotovili, da bi morala biti Slovenija 2.NAJBOLJ ODPORNA DRŽAVA NA EKONOMSKE KRIZE V EUROZONI !!!!!
Takole so napisali :
"Small, dynamic catching-up economy with above-average scores on fundamental health. Fiscal and banking problems should be manageable once political consensus is found."
Najprej razčistimo, da je na straneh 2-3 tega letnega poročila lepo napisano, da sta glavna avtorja vodilna ekonomista banke Berenberg z ekipo (economics department of Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG, Berenberg Bank). Da gre izključno za osebne poglede in tolmačenja (The views expressed in this policy brief are those of the principal authors alone and do not necessarily represent the views of the Lisbon Council, Berenberg Bank or any of their associates.)
Da so za osnovo vzeli podatke iz bolj ali manj javno dostopnih virov (The information has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable such as, for example, Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg and the relevant specialised press), torej gre za nekakjšno reciklažo že videnega.
Da je Lisbon Council dobil "velikodušno" podporo Evropske komisije (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) in podporo EU (for organisations that are active at the European level in the field of European citizenship). Da je banka Berenberg ena od vidnih podpornic očitno zelo neoliberalnega Lisbon Councila, med katerimi Accenture, Apple, Facebook, Google, Uber in tvorijo večino.

Sledijo izbrani citati o Sloveniji iz teh poročil več let zapored, ki jih je zanimivo primerjati s citatom iz 2012, ki se ga tako krčevito oklepa kolega Gobim. Dvomim, da si bo kdo vzel čas in natančno primerjalno pregledal desetine strani tabel in grafov... :-)

Overall Assessment
Small, dynamic catching-up economy with above-average scores on fundamental health. Fiscal and banking problems should be manageable once political consensus is found.
• Still low ratio of public debt
• Strong trend growth
• Easy to open new businesses
• Fairly resilient to financial shocks
• Demographics: Below average for integration of immigrants
• Losing cost competitiveness fast due to rising unit labour cost
• Overregulated economy
• Fiscal challenge: too high structural deficit
O odlični uvrstitvi Slovenije po kriteriju odpornosti na krizo, ki jo je kolega Gobim poudaril s samimi velikimi črkami, najbrž dovolj pove spodnje pojasnilo. Nekoč se je pri IBM vedelo: junk in - junk out!
To assess the vulnerability to sudden shifts in market sentiment, we look at five separate subindicators: 1) the current account deficit, 2) the average annual sovereign debt roll-over as a share of GDP, 3) public debt held abroad as a share of GDP, 4) the household savings rate, and 5) the debt of households and non-financial corporations.
Estonia (No. 1) retains the top spot ahead of fellow East European growth stars Slovenia (No. 2) and Slovakia (No. 3) in our ranking of the 17 euro members.
Še nekaj naslednjih let:

2013 (Slovenija prva na lestvici najbolj odpornih na krizo!?!)
Overall Assessment
Small, dynamic catching-up economy with above-average scores for fundamental health. Fiscal and banking problems should be manageable if political will is maintained.
• Low legacy public debt
• Strong trend growth rates
• Easy to open new business
• Low youth unemployment rate
• Resilient to financial shocks due to low levels of private and public debt
• Demographics: below average for integration of immigrants
• Losing competitiveness due to rising labour costs
• Overregulated economy
• Fiscal challenge: above-average structural deficits
• Low score for reform responsiveness
Topping the ranking is Slovenia (No. 1), a country which had been tipped as the next bail-out candidate after Cyprus and still faces one of the highest borrowing costs in the eurozone. Slovenia’s public and private debt levels are low, as befits a country with still modest per-capita GDP. Slovenia also runs a sizeable current account surplus and the

Overall assessment
Small, dynamic catching-up economy with above-average scores for fundamental health. Narrowly avoided EU/IMF bail-out in mid-2013. Fiscal and banking problems should be manageable if political will is maintained.
2014 key developments
Most improved in the adjustment score in 2014
• Big jump in reform drive, abeit still below average
• Faster external and labour cost adjustment
Fundamental health score unchanged overall
• Big improvement in competitiveness due to new service sector trade indicator
• Deterioration in fiscal sustainability (debt level) and resilience (debt redemptions)
• Low legacy public debt
• Strong trend growth rates
• Easy to open new business
• Low youth unemployment rate
• Resilient to financial shocks due to low levels of private and public debt
• Demographics: below average for integration of immigrants
• Losing competitiveness due to rising labour costs
• Overregulated economy
• Fiscal challenge: above-average structural deficits
• Low score for reform responsiveness
Our award for the most impressive rise in the adjustment ranking goes to Slovenia (No. 9) this year with a rise in its score by 0.7 points. Having managed to escape troika scrutiny, it has nonetheless embarked on an impressive course of adjustment and reform. The once sluggish pace of change has quickened significantly. However, the pace remains well below the progress seen in troika-supervised economies. While the external adjustment is proceeding well, the fiscal adjustment falls short of that seen in countries such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain at the euro periphery.
Slovenia’s (No. 8) score improved markedly due to a big drop in its private consumption ratio to 54.1% of GDP in 2013, down from 56.2%.
Slovenia (No. 16) managed to avoid a bail-out, but its debt profile score suffers as foreign ownership of its public debt securities rises to 69.1% in 2014, up from 53.7%. That may be a vote of confidence by investors, but makes Slovenia more vulnerable for future swings in market confidence.
The lowest private sector debt ratios can be found in central and eastern Europe, with Slovakia (No. 1), Poland (No. 2), Latvia (No. 3), Slovenia (No. 4) and Germany (No. 5) leading the pack.
2015 (to poročilo je krajše in manj razčlenjeno od prejšnjih)
Best placed to weather potential future shocks would be Estonia (No. 1 again for resilience) ahead of Germany (No. 2), Sweden (No. 3) and Slovenia (No. 4). This resilience has allowed Slovenia to master its serious financial crisis without having to call in the troika.
After a significant gain last year, Slovenia (No. 9) maintained a satisfactory pace of adjustment in 2015 with a score of 4.7, well above the eurozone average of 4.0. Having managed to escape troika scrutiny, Slovenia has nonetheless embarked on an impressive course of adjustment and reform. The once sluggish pace of change has quickened. However, the pace remains well below that seen in troika-supervised economies in previous years. While the external adjustment is proceeding well, the fiscal adjustment falls short of what Slovenia needs to make its fiscal position sustainable.
Unfortunately, the combination of a fiscal stimulus and a slower pace of pro-growth reforms, as we have seen in a number of countries such as Austria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and Slovenia, is not a recipe for sustainable growth.
After a significant gain last year, Slovenia (No. 9) maintained a satisfactory pace of adjustment in 2016 with a score of 5.0, well above the eurozone average of 3.7. Having managed to escape troika scrutiny, Slovenia has nonetheless embarked on an impressive course of adjustment and reform. The once sluggish pace of change has quickened. However, the pace remains well below that seen in troika-supervised economies in previous years. While the external adjustment is proceeding well, the fiscal adjustment falls short of what Slovenia needs to make its fiscal position sustainable.
Only Slovenia (No. 8) – which managed to avoid having to ask for external help by a whisker – comes close with a mere 0.6% increase in its labour costs.
Countries with a major loss of reform momentum in the 2014/15 period include the United Kingdom, Estonia, Slovenia, Sweden and Finland. For Estonia, which had reformed itself thoroughly and successfully in the wake of the Baltic crisis almost 10 years ago, this may be understandable. For Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, however, we view this as a sign of complacency.
Best placed to weather potential future shocks would be Estonia (No. 1 again for resilience) ahead of Germany (No. 2), the Czech Republic (No. 3), Slovenia (No. 4), Sweden (No. 5) and Slovakia (No. 6). This resilience allowed Slovenia to master its serious financial crisis in 2013-2014 without having to call in the troika.
Overall assessment
Small, dynamic catching-up economy with above-average scores for growth potential and resilience. Benefits from high PISA score, low youth unemployment rate and private debt levels. High government debt and non-performing loan levels are key challenges, but should be manageable if political will is maintained.
2017 key developments
Adjustment progress unchanged
• External adjustment improved
• Reform drive slowed
Fundamental health improved
• Growth outlook increased and debt redemption profile improved
• Fiscal sustainability overall up, but savings rate declined
• High PISA score
• Low youth unemployment rate
• Low private debt
• High current account surplus
• High gap immigrant vs. native employment rate
• Difficult for companies to hire and fire
• High percent of debt held abroad
Best placed to weather potential future shocks would be Estonia (No. 1 again for resilience) ahead of Malta (No. 2), Germany (No. 3), Romania (No. 4), Slovakia (No. 5) and Denmark (No. 6). Its resilience allowed Slovenia to master its serious financial crisis

Če se komu zazdi, da se nekatere ugotovitve ponavljajo, se ne moti. Tako to gre.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2739552

Strani: 1

pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2740216] 01.11.18 11:32 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739552)
Odgovori   +    0
Deutschland heute: od 97 lani dobavljenih novih oklepnikov, helikopterjev in letal jih je za takojšnjo uporabo pripravljenih in primernih samo 38 oziroma 39 odstotkov, poroča nemški Zeit. Navaja tudi pojasnila obrambne ministrice Ursule von der Leyen (CDU), ki je rekla, da so bojna letala rabila samo posodobitev programja, ki je že bila uspešno opravljena, zato so vsi štirje povsem uporabni. Pri transportnih Airbuse in tankih pa so odkrili pomanjkljivosti in morajo dobavitelji opraviti večje izboljšave.
Von den 71 im vergangenen Jahr ausgelieferten Puma-Panzern sind 27 einsatzbereit, von den acht A400M-Flugzeugen die Hälfte.
Ähnlich sieht es auch bei den neuen Hubschraubern aus: Von sieben sogenannten Tiger-Kampfhubschraubern aus dem Jahr 2017 sind dem Bericht zufolge zwei einsatzbereit, von sieben NH90-Transporthubschraubern sind es vier. Dass zudem von den vier neuen Eurofighter-Kampfjets derzeit nur einer genutzt werden kann, führt das Ministerium auf die Nachrüstung mit neuen Hauptrechnern zurück. "Eine Freigabe zur Nutzung dieser drei Eurofighter wird zeitnah erwartet", hieß es.
Nič niso omenjeni dragi osemkolesniki Boxer, ki jih (mora?) naročiti Slovenija, oziroma njen obrambni minister, ki je posebej specializiran za nabavo osemkolesnih oklepnikov, in
zato ni jasno, ali nemška vojska lani ni dobila nobenega novega Boxerja ali pa so bili 100% v redu.

Nemška obrambna ministrica pa ni samo pod tovrstnim političnim ognjem vaterlandske Levice ("To je škandal, da gospa von der Leyen dopušča, da gre ta malomarnost dobaviteljev pri milijardnih stroških na račun davkoplačevalcev."), ampak se je zanjo zaradi premnogih svetovalnih pogodb v njenem ministrstvu (do 150 MEUR letno) po odkritjih računskega sodišča začelo zanimati tudi državno tožilstvo v Berlinu, je poročal Spiegel.
In dem 18-seitigen Papier, das dem SPIEGEL vorliegt, beschreiben die Experten ein regelrechtes Chaos bei der Beauftragung von Beratern und erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen die Leitung. Demnach gibt von der Leyens Haus bis zu 150 Millionen Euro jährlich nur für Berater aus.
Noch schwerer wirkt dieses Prüfergebnis: So stellen die Experten fest, dass die Bundeswehr große Berater-Budgets "häufig freihändig ohne Wettbewerb" vergeben hatte. Die Gründe dafür seien "nicht immer überzeugend".
Das Delta ist immens. So meldete das Ministerium 2015 Berater-Verträge im Umfang von nur 2,2 Millionen Euro an den Ausschuss, laut Rechnungshof schloss man aber 182 Einzelverträge mit Beratungsunternehmen für rund 100 Millionen Euro ab. Im Jahr 2016 meldete man 2,9 Millionen, gab aber 150 Millionen für Berater aus, so das Papier.
V primeru množice zunanjih svetovalcev se nemško tožilstvo zanima za to, kar poznamo tudi pri nas: prisilno espejevstvo namesto redne zaposlitve. Očitno imamo v Vaterlandu in Moji Deželi podobne norme in podobne kršitve teh norm.
Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen wird die Affäre rund um den exzessiven Einsatz von Unternehmensberatern nicht los. Jetzt gerät die CDU-Politikerin sogar ins Visier der Justiz. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen prüft die Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin, ob der dauerhafte Einsatz von Unternehmensberatern im Wehrressort den Tatbestand der vorsätzlich verursachten Scheinselbstständigkeit erfüllt.
Als scheinselbstständig bezeichnet man Personen, die zwar als selbstständige Unternehmer auftreten, aber nur einen Auftraggeber haben. Wird dies festgestellt, muss der Auftraggeber die entsprechenden Sozialleistungen für den Arbeitnehmer nachzahlen. Wird ein Vorsatz nachgewiesen, kann der Arbeitgeber juristisch belangt werden.
Einen solchen Vorsatz unterstellt die Anzeige gegen von der Leyen. Demnach "wurden über einen längeren Zeitraum Berater eingesetzt, die dort wie Mitarbeiter beschäftigt" gewesen seien.

Strani: 1