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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2739381] 25.10.18 14:46 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739031)
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Danes nekaj več o avtomobilih. Najprej iz Autocara brexitanski obet, da bodo bencinski davek nadomestili s podražitvijo registracije oziroma cestne takse. Razlog? Že dolgo evidenten: električna vozila, ki se jih ogabno subvencionira tudi zato, da bi hitreje in lažje dosegli zapovedano "zmanjševanje emisij", niso neupravičeno subvencionirana samo ob nakupu, ampak predvsem kasneje, ker elektrika ni toliko obdavčena kot bencin. Če povem drugače: država, ki je nekoč glasno preganjala davčne utajevalce, ki so v dvoje dizelske kripe točili nizko obdavčeno kurilno olje namesto prometno obdavčenega plinskega olja, pri električnih avtih finančno spodbuja točno takšno početje. Do nadaljnega...
The government is forecast to collect £28.3 billion in fuel duty this financial year, and yet those who drive pure-electric vehicles will contribute precisely zero to that figure. So what will happen when we’re all humming about in electric vehicles?
The think tank Policy Exchange estimated last year that the government could lose up to £170bn by 2030 by allowing electric cars to slip through the duty net. It stands by the figure today.
A couple of pieces of evidence show the government is moving silently in the background. One was buried at the bottom of a web page run by government financial forecasters the Office for Budget Responsibility, which mentioned this year that it had agreed with the tax office to “investigate the potential impact of compositional changes in the vehicle stock and its implications for trends in fuel efficiency”. And the second from Burke, who told us that a Treasury official mentioned to him at a recent gathering that the government was looking at alternatives, including the dreaded words: road pricing.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2739381

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2739384] 25.10.18 15:08 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739381)
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Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 25.10.2018 15:12
Ob mrzlici, ki trese avtomobilski in druge čezmejno pomembne gospodarske sektorje Brexitanije zaradi negotovosti okrog Brexita, je Jaguar Land Rover v Nitri na Slovaškem odprl novo tovarno s planirano kapaciteto do 150.000 avtomobilov letno, a zdaj predvidevajo proizvodnje 100.000 avtov v letu 2020. Poroča Reuters:
The company officially launched its new 1.4 billion euro ($1.6 billion) plant in Nitra, Slovakia, on Thursday after starting some production last month. The plant was built with an initial capacity of 150,000 vehicles.
It will take over production of the carmaker’s Discovery model but could accommodate a second model as the British company faces uncertainty over a lack of a deal on Britain’s impending exit from the European Union.
Ampak ni vse tako rožnato lepo za JLR. Isti Reuters je na začetku meseca poročal, da v tej hčerinski firmi indijskega konglomerata Tata* zaradi brexitovske negotovosti še čakajo z odločitvijo o proizvodnji električnih avtomobilov.
The automaker, which builds nearly a third of Britain’s roughly 1.67 millions cars, is also talking to warehousing companies and has plans to stockpile parts in the event unfettered trade with the bloc is lost.
The firm could also move its annual summer-time shutdowns to the spring to handle any disruption from a disorderly Brexit after Britain leaves the bloc at the end of March 2019 although no decision has been taken.
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is building its first electric car, the I-PACE, in Austria. Asked whether the firm had settled on whether to build electric cars in Britain, Chief Executive Ralf Speth told Reuters:
“We haven’t made the decision because we don’t know at the end of the day the final conditions and we also see uncertainty resulting out of the Brexit discussions so we don’t know where we can do the investment best.”
Že pred tem je Reuters sredi septembra poročal, da je JLR proizvodnjo v eni od svojih tovarn v Brexitaniji do začetka decembra (drugje so poročali, da do Božiča) omejil na tri delovne dneve v tednu.
The Castle Bromwich facility will operate a three-day week from October until the beginning of December in a move which will affect around 1,000 staff but avoid job cuts, a spokeswoman said.
Last week, the firm’s boss Ralf Speth warned that the wrong Brexit deal could cost tens of thousands of car jobs and risks production at the firm, especially if there are delays at ports and on motorways due to customs checks.
He also said that the government had demonized diesel cars, contributing to 1,000 job losses at the company earlier this year.
A slump in demand for diesel cars is also having a big impact on the firm.
About 90 percent of Jaguar Land Rover’s (JLR) sales in Britain are diesel models, which compares with around 45 percent globally, the company said earlier this year.
Zakaj bi vse to moralo zanimati Mojedeželane? Mogoče zato, ker naj bi v Hočah graška Magna farbala avte prav te firme. Če jih bo malo, bo tudi bolj malo farbanja v Hočah in bo najbrž kar nekaj časa ostalo samo pri farbanju.

* Reuters tudi o Tata Motors zadnje čase ni imel najbolj spodbudnih novic.
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