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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2735444] 26.09.18 14:36 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2735441)
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Da izdaja zaupanja v Nemčiji ni samo okoljsko-industrijski problem, ampak v enaki meri sega v bančništvo, je že nekaj let evidentno. Tako je Bafin v Deutsche Bank nastavil svojega čuvaja, ker ne verjamejo, da banka dovolj prizadevno preprečuje pranje denarja in druge sumljive transakcije. Upati je, da bo najeti pes čuvaj (KPMG) v tem primeru dobro opravil svoje delo. Pozor, posebno grotesken zasuk te zgodbe je v tretjem citiranem odstavku!
Germany’s financial services regulator on Monday installed a special investigator at Deutsche Bank to ensure the country’s biggest listed bank is doing enough to combat money laundering. The watchdog hired KPMG to fill the special investigator role and insiders say the auditor will keep an eye on the Frankfurt bank’s efforts through 2021. It’s the first time the regulator, known as Bafin, has taken such a step for money laundering.
The German regulator did not impose any new fines on Deutsche. An insider said Bafin didn’t discover any fresh money laundering attempts, but that it was unhappy with Deutsche’s efforts to keep out illegal transactions — information wasn’t transmitted quickly enough and the bank was too sluggish in implementing new regulations. “The special investigator is to report on the progress of the measures and evaluate them,” Bonn-based Bafin said.
Bafin’s criticism casts a bad light on the work of Sylvie Matherat, the head of regulation who’s also responsible for money-laundering prevention at board level. Ironically, Phillippe Vollot, the chief anti-money-laundering officer, recently left the bank to become a board member at Danske Bank.