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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2735168] 24.09.18 16:12 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2735167)
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Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 24.09.2018 16:13
In ko sem že pri (ameriških) Automotive News, velja opomniti še na članek o vrenju v Columbusu (Ohio), kjer sindikalisti prevozniškega sektorja v upravičenem strahu za svojo eksistenco dvigujejo svoj glas ob lokalnih projektih avtonomnih kombijev za javni prevoz.
The announcement last week of a low-speed autonomous shuttle service planned for Columbus, Ohio, has sparked a showdown between transit workers and government officials that could preview long-term problems for self-driving shuttle operators.
The controversy, set against the backdrop of midterm congressional and state elections and a local convention of the AFL-CIO, pits the Transport Workers Union of America and its 850 Columbus members against an array of public and private transportation groups, as well as May Mobility, an Ann Arbor, Mich., startup that plans to launch the service.
On Wednesday, Sept. 19, the Ohio Department of Transportation said May Mobility had won a bid to operate a low-speed autonomous shuttle service in a downtown district of Columbus.
The $550,000 contract allows the startup to operate three autonomous shuttles through the Scioto Mile, a loop of tourist attractions including the Center of Science and Industry and newly opened National Veterans Memorial and Museum.
"This is the second coming of NAFTA," Samuelsen said of automation replacing human drivers. "We're all for the use of technology to improve public transit and safety, but we're never going to agree robots should take the place behind the wheel of the bus."