Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Orban na obisku v Italiji: Salvini je moj heroj

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Vesoljski komentar:
The EU has a 'superiority' complex, and it is their achilles heel. Notice how Trump's bombast cowed the europeans @ NATO meetings - Trump knows how to deal with unearned arrogance... a good, stiff punch in the nose. May took the opposite tack and now she's burnt toast. Folks may not like Trump's incivilities, but his unconventional FP tactics are infinitely more effective than anything Obama did in his 8 years...


Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2730733

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shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
super. prej ko pokazejo evropske drzave sredinec americanom, toliko bolje za nas vse skupaj. ameri samo izsiljujo in posiljujejo cel svet.v evropi je treba prepovedati google, amazon, facebook, twitter in microsoft. naj prodajajo govno sami sebi.

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