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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2727126] 07.08.18 00:15 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2727125)
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Naj dodam še nekaj novičarski drobcev z dveh jugonostalgičnih aviatičarskih portalov, ki najbrž ne bodo vzbudili pozornosti deželnih poslovnih medijev in javnosti.
Croatia Airlines staff to go on strike on August 8
Croatia Airlines' pilots, cabin crew and mechanics intend on staging industrial action starting next Wednesday at 06.00, just over a month after cancelling plans to go on strike. The union representing the carrier's employees, ORCA, informed the management of their intent. The union cancelled last month's work stoppage after it was given guarantees by the country's Prime Minister and his cabinet that their grievances would be addressed. However, none of their conditions have been met.
Croatia Airlines has posted mixed results for the first half of the year by recording a 10.7 million euro net loss, while passenger numbers improved to reach record levels. The carrier's consolidated net loss slumped from a profit of 5.8 million euros last year. However, the airline noted that 2017's half yearly results were impacted by the sale of its five weekly slot pairs at London's Heathrow Airport for eighteen million euros. The company said that if the slot sale were to be excluded from last year's results, the carrier's financial performance would have improved 17% in 2018. Croatia Airlines increased its expenditure by 2.3%, while revenue grew 4.2% on last year.
Low cost carrier easyJet has said it will consider introducing additional new services from Belgrade as it prepares to launch its third year-round route to the Serbian capital later this week. The airline noted its decision will be made after it reviews the performance of its new flights from Basel and Berlin. "Since 2014 we have only been flying between Geneva and Belgrade while in 2018 we are introducing two new routes. Therefore, our number of flights to Belgrade has tripled. For starters, we hope that the average cabin load factor on these new routes will be the same as from Geneva, which is 90%. After we achieve this goal, we will consider introducing new routes", easyJet's Head of Marketing for Central Europe, Silvia Herrero, said.
Low cost carrier Wizz Air will expand its operations from Pristina with the introduction of three new routes this coming winter season. The airline will add three weekly flights from Memmingen starting October 30, from Basel on November 20 and Dortmund on December 15. All three will be maintained on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays with Airbus A320 aircraft.
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Directorate for Civil Aviation has refused to issue the Sarajevo-based start-up FlyBosnia an Air Operator's Certificate (AOC), further delaying its launch. The Directorate noted that the airline had not met all the necessary requirements in order to be granted a permit but added that that the company still has the opportunity to mend its shortcomings. The Saudi-backed start-up initially planned to commence services between Sarajevo and Riyadh with a leased Airbus A320 aircraft in June, but later pushed-back its launch until August.
Kako je ministar saobraćaja Crne Gore Osman Nurković rekao za TV Vijesti, Vlada je odlučila da ponudi crnogorske aerodrome na koncesiju, a poziv za sve zaintersovane vrlo brzo će biti objavljen na njenom sajtu.
Kako prenose Vijesti, plan je da se aerodromi u Podgorici i Tivtu izdaju na 25 do 30 godina, pri čemu Nurković ističe da Vlada na taj način želi da bolje valorizuje potencijal aerodroma, jer trenutno stanje ne zadovoljava potrebe države i njenih građana.
Takođe, na pitanje da li država planira da proda Aerodrome ili ih privatizuje na bilo koji način, što poslednjih meseci najavljuje opozicija, ministar saobraćaja rekao je da to „ni u kom slučaju“ nije u planu.
Kako Tango Six saznaje civilne vazduhoplovne vlasti Kine odobrile su kodšer (code share) saradnju između Er Srbije i Hajnan Erlajnsa ne linijama Peking – Prag – Beograd (PEK-PRG-BEG) kao i na liniji Beograd – Skopje. Kodšer sporazum dve kompanije potpisan je prošlog meseca.
Nacionalna avio-kompanija Srbije postaviće svoj „marketing kod“ (JU) na liniji PEK-PRG-BEG dok će Hajnan moći da postavi svoj (HU) na liniji BEG-SKP.
Hajnan Erlajns počeo je da saobraća na liniji Peking – Beograd sa međusletanjem u Pragu u aprilu prošle godine. Nekoliko meseci pred nadmetanje za koncesiju „Nikole Tesle“ domaćom industrijom provlačili su se tračevi da je HNA grupa zainteresovana kako za beogradski aerodrom tako i za Er Srbiju.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2727126

Strani: 1

pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2727825] 10.08.18 22:23 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2727126)
Odgovori   +    2
Oni dan sem prebral, da v brexitanskem kmetskem interesnem združenju (BTW, je članstvo v njem prostovoljno ali obvezno?) izražajo skrb zaradi posledic (pre)trdega Brexita. Menda bi jim lahko ob letu osorej zmanjkalo hrane.
The Guardian navaja opozorilo angleških kmetov, da zaloge hrane zadoščajo samo do avgusta 2019, če bodo po brexitu morali biti samooskrbni
Zakaj že? Ker jim neusmiljeni EUropejci ne bi več hoteli prodajat sadja in zelenjave? Ali bi hudo navili cene? Ali bi Brexitanija zaračunavala carine? Ali kar vse skupaj? To mi je čudno, ker bi pričakoval, da bi se domače kmetstvo razveselilo upada tuje in prepoceni konkurence. Sploh, ker razen whiskyja, mlečnih izdelkov, mesa in lososov Brexitanci izvozijo bolj malo hrane. V glavnem, zadevo sem malo bolje razumel, ko sem prebral članek v tujem jeziku in ne v agrobizniščini.

Ko pa sem že brskal po Guardianu, sem naletel na eno fino zgodbo tipa 2TDK x cca 80-100, ki po vrednosti zasenči celo zloglasno novo berlinsko letališče. Gre za HS2, projekt hitre železnice od Londona do Birminghama. Zgadba ima podobne poteze kot so jih pri 2TDK opisovale Finance - od plač do raznih svetovalnih pogodb. Podobnost je lahko naključna, a vendar se mi zdi vredno omeniti, da je po mojem spominu glavni vladni pooblaščenec za drugi tir pridobil (sporni) naziv magistra oz. MSc v Brexitaniji. Najbrž pridobljeni brexitanski nou-hau zdaj prenaša v Mojo Deželo preko 2TDK.
This week the chairman of the national infrastructure commission, John Armitt, admitted that, to make transport sense, HS2 needs an extra £43bn adding to its budget. This budget is still fancifully put by the transport department at £56bn, but is variously estimated by the Treasury and others at £80bn to £100bn. The taypayer-owned HS2 Ltd is a classic para-statal: a collage of trapped ministers, unaccountable officials, a bottomless budget and no risk.
What is more, HS2 can pay itself what it likes. A quarter of the 1,346 staff were revealed this week as earning more than £100,000, with 15 more than £250,000. This was approved by the Treasury secretary, Liz Truss, whose boss Philip Hammond is hamstrung by having also approved HS2 as transport secretary in 2010. Meanwhile the company’s soaring consultancy bill also doubled last year to a staggering £600m, including £21m in one year on “environment consultants”. This train has already committed more than £10bn of public money to itself, without a yard of track laid. It is out of control. It makes Trident look a bargain.

Strani: 1