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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Zadnja sprememba: PyotrNovak 27.06.2018 16:18

German Soldiers Don't Trust Their Battle Rifle – War Is Boring – Medium

Dec 10, 2014 - Everyone has heard of the formidable German assault rifle, the ... Soldiers talked about their G36s overheating in Afghanistan's hot summers.

The £4million German tank being embarrassed in Syria | Daily Mail ... on-German-tank-embarrassed-Syria.html
Jan 31, 2018 - The £4million German tank dubbed 'one of the best in the world' is shown up in Syria: Leopard 2 bought by Turkey to fight British-backed Kurds ...

All of Germany's submarines are currently down - Defense News

Oct 20, 2017 - The U-33, U-34 and U-36 submarines are seen at the Eckerfoerde ... in Kiel after a rudder blade was damaged during a diving maneuver, the ...

German army used broomsticks instead of guns during training ...
Feb 18, 2015 - German soldiers used broomsticks painted black instead of guns during a joint ... It emerged last month that the German military was also using ...

German military fighters jets reportedly not ready for combat ... rs-jets-not-ready-for-combat-2018-5

May 4, 2018 - The Luftwaffe counts all Eurofighter jets that are able to fly as available, including ... The issues facing the Eurofighters are not Germany's only ...

Germany′s lack of military readiness ′dramatic,′ says Bundeswehr ...

1 day ago - The German parliament's military commissioner has published a report ... Stock photo for readiness of the Bundeswehr. (picture-alliance/Ulrich Baumgarten). Germany's military has deteriorated in recent years amid budget cuts and poor .... NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that Germany ...

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Pa ti res verjameš tem več ali manj PR prispevkom? Jaz ne, ker so napisani kot da bi jih pisala snažilka za potrebe vrataja. Te bom opomnil samo na dve stvari; vojaki imajo povsod v vseh armadah prepoved komuniciranja z mediji brez vednosti in nadzora za to zadolženih služb. Kako je potem prišel novinar do podatka da je prevroče v tanku v Avganistanu? Koga briga kako se poklicni vojak počuti na bojišču, on je enostavno tam ker je plačan da je tam in se čez razmere tam pač ne more pritoževati ker se je sam odločil da se bo pač bavil s to dejavnostjo. Drugi primer; nemške podmornice na vezih ( v dokih). Vprašaj se kdaj so bile na vezih vse podmornice pa ti bo jasno zakaj ( ne pozabi da je trenutno Y212 edina stealth podmornica s potrdilom tudi nasprotne strani), kaj se je tedaj dogajalo v severnih morjih ( baltik, severni atlantik)z jasnim sporočilom; nismo mi nas ni zraven.
Drugače so pa na splošno vojaki in predvsem oficirji večja ali manjša sramota za človeški rod kar se tiče resnice in inteligence zato tistega kar oni govorijo ni potrebno jemati niti približno zares temveč z veliko količino rezerve o resničnosti pa tudi če je to off the record.

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