Izbrani forum: Avto

Izbrana tema: članek Začelo se je: Hamburg prepoveduje vstop dizelskih avtov

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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
The Tesla Model S has been dominating the luxury segment in its home turf, the US, for a few years now, but it had yet to surpass some flagship gas-powered German premium cars in Europe until now.

The Californian automaker’s Model X is also seeing more success in Europe.

According to market researchers JATO Dynamics (via Auto News Europe), Tesla’s Model S in Europe jumped 30 percent to 16,132 units in 2017.

The firm compares the vehicle to the Mercedes S class, which saw its sales grow 3 percent to 13,359 units, and the BMW 7 series had sales of 11,735 units – down 13 percent.

To be fair, that’s accounting for the entire European market. In their very own home market of Germany, premium German automakers are still beating Tesla in sales.

2017 was also the first full year of sales for Tesla Model X in Europe and it has also made some great strides in its own segment.

According to JATO, Model X sales in Europe last year were 12,000 units, which is about the same as its gas-powered competitor the Porsche Cayenne and about 2,000 more than the BMW X6.

Search Results
Tesla Model S Achieves Best Safety Rating of Any Car Ever Tested ...

Poštena EU
We're often asked why cars sold in Europe seem to be so much more efficient than those on sale in the U.S.
Typically, it's accompanied by the mention of some supposedly 80-mpg car sold in Europe, while the best U.S.-market vehicles barely crest the 50-mpg mark.
Now, Reuters highlights one of the main reasons for the discrepancy: Not only are European tests unrealistic, but automakers exploit loopholes in the testing, further blurring the lines between rated efficiency and real-world results.

Preberi zgodbo SpaceX. Isti šef.
Russia appears to have surrendered to SpaceX in the global launch market

Russian space bosses SPAT on Elon Musk when he tried to buy a ...



PS: ZA razliko od veliko prisotnih tule, sem jaz vrhunski inženir, tehnolog, ki si z viri na internetu in lastnim znanjem poskuša ustvariti realno sliko. Veliko tule pa jih je pri tehnologiji tipa: Real VS Barcelona. Zato vam lahko tudi nemci prodajajo muda za bubrege pri avtomobilih, alternativni energiji, itd. Fotovoltaika v Hamburgu recimo.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2714015

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FIN-379669 sporočil: 7.965
Ekonomika poslovanja pa je tudi posebna veda... :)

Tudi Bayer je kupil Monsanto.

Brez skrbi, avtomobili so nemška domena že od samega začetka obstoja avtomobilov in če kaj oni, dosti bolje kot Teslič - malo hooppa zooppa IT elektronike, poznajo, so avtomobili in okus kupcev.

Ja, Američani so znali vedno delati dobre avtomobile, vendar je Chevrolet preživel le s Fiatom, Ford pa z Nemci. Drugo je piši kući propalo... od njih domače industrije.

Kitajci in Rusi so vzeli za svoje "domače" nemška vozila - poleg lastnih - ZDA pa se bo šlepala na nekaj tisoč prodanih Tesel. Koliko možnosti preživetja imajo, je vse odvisno od njihovega lastnega trga - ki pa še zmeraj ljubi hard kubikaže - tudi Nemce, pa Japonce...

Kot rečeno, ekonomika je posebna veda. Tudi psihološka, če želiš.

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