
Izbrani forum: Odklop

Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2711692] 13.05.18 15:07 · odgovor na: (#2710419)
Odgovori   +    0
> [vickibedi]

> Jebeš Bacha ki je drkal tiste crkvene orgle, od katerih me še zdaj boli glava, že ko sem bil teenager sem rajši poslušal Vivaldija (4 letni časi) ali Bethovenovo 5 sinfonijo , ki je bila čisti rock. Mislim klasika, v obliki rocka.
> Normalni tipi glasbe se razumemo ampak jo poslušamo. V tem je razlika.

Še eno otročje stališče. Seveda ima vsak svoj okus amapak glasbeno izobražen človek pač ne more reči "jebeš Bacha" tako kot fizik ne more reči "jebeš Newtona".

"Here's why Bach is the greatest: 1- Unrivalled influence on the history of music. 2- Master of melody and harmony. 3- Laid down compositional blueprints that almost every composer after him tried to follow. 4- Musical virtuoso, possibly the greatest organist of his time. 5- Excellent teacher-- many of his students became virtuosi in their own right. 6- Sought to push the boundaries of style and form. Many composers wrote fugues, but the form is almost exclusively associated with him. 7- Excellent at synthesising everything he had learned from other composers and making their works better. 8- Most complete musical output, excepting opera. His Mass in B Minor stands unrivalled in the history of Western music. 9- Expanded the musical and technical possibilities of the violin and cello, as well as the organ. His Violin Solo's and Cello Suites are revered within the reportoire. 10- Considered the gold standard in musical education. Learning Bach is an unwritten rule amongst those playing instruments."
Jaz sem vse tole kar naštevaš našel v eni malo bolj prebavljivi verziji Bacha: