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BorutHocevar sporočil: 1.534
V zadevo pa sem se zapicil zato, ker pri teh moceh postanejo zadeve ze nevarne. Ali imas neprakticno debele kable polne bakra (kako bo pa kaksna manjsa zenska to polnila?) ali pa vedno visje napetosti, pri katerih pa bi ze bilo prav, da bi imel tudi posebno zascitno opremo.
Morda so zanimiva pojasnila Muska in glavnega tehnološkega direktorja pri Tesli Jeffreya Straubela na nedavni predstavitvi četrtletnih rezultatov.

Nekaj citatov:

“We’re definitely going to be improving our Supercharger’s technology. The thing about a 350 kW charger is that it doesn’t actually make a ton of sense, unless you got a monster battery pack or have like a crazy high C rating… We think 350 kW for a single car; you’re gonna frag the battery pack if you do that. You cannot charge a high-energy battery pack at that rate, unless it’s a very high kW battery pack. So, (for us), something along the couple of hundred, 200-250 kW, maybe.”

“There is a tradeoff, fundamentally, between charge speed and essentially range, and cost of the battery. We look at that pretty carefully. We understand the tradeoff. We could design cells and a pack that could charge at, you know, faster than 300-400 kW, but it’s not a very useful tradeoff to the customer.”

“Energy is range, and power is your peak acceleration, the rate in which you consume energy. It’s more important to have long range than it is to have a super fast charge time.”