Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
čas vnosa: 13.04.18 21:17
Klasika: EU nakladači subvencioniranjo najrazličnejše projekte in s tem tudi svoje žepe, kavbojci pa jih vsake toliko časa povozijo s šleperjem in jim pokažejo kako se to dela.
Violeta Bulc je poudarila, da "v mestih in na podeželju napredka ni brez povezanosti, fizične infrastrukture in sodobne mobilnosti, bla bla bla bl....

Proti US:

SpaceX aims to launch two satellites of a new constellation on Feb. 18, the start of a network it expects to one day include more than 4,000 orbiting spacecraft beaming the internet to customers below—and generating billions of dollars in new revenue for the rocket maker.

Ajit Pai, chair of the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates satellite broadcasts in the US, endorsed the plan to “to unleash the power of satellite constellations to provide high-speed Internet to rural Americans.”

Talkers VS Doers.

PS Vrednost Telekoma l 2025?