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[Borza] Tema: IEKG
[#2705614] 03.04.18 14:48 · odgovor na: (#2701370)
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Za občutek - trailing EV/EBITDA je 5,4, pričakovan za 2017 4,48. EBITDA marža 12 %.

The majority owner of Waberer’s International, one of the largest long-haul road transportation companies in Europe, withdrew its offering of shares in the Budapest-based company, saying the bids it received were too low.
The shares dropped as much as 6.1 percent to 4,460 forint in Budapest, below the 5,100 forint price in the company’s initial offering last year. While some analysts have been expecting private equity fund Mid Europa Partners to continue cutting its stake, the timing of was a negative surprise as it looked like a “rush for exit,” said Norbert Cinkotai, an analyst at KBC Groep NV’s Hungarian brokerage unit.
CEE Transport Holdco, an investment vehicle of Mid Europa, was attempting to sell at least 2.62 million Waberer’s shares to institutional investors in an accelerated book building process.
CEE Transport said that demand for the shares failed to meet its price expectations, despite “widespread” interest. The sale of the stake, representing 21 percent of the seller’s holdings in Waberer’s, would have increased the free float to about 41 percent.
"The failure to sell the shares is not surprising given the timing and the price," Cinkotai said. Another attempt for a similar transaction is unlikely in 2018, he said.
Waberer’s first attempt for a listing was also unsuccessful and it reduced both the price and the scale of the IPO. The stock has mostly stayed below the IPO price since its debut last July. It pared losses to 4,510 forint by 4:00 p.m. in Budapest.
Waberer’s has six buy ratings without any hold or sell recommendation.
Erste Group Bank AG, UniCredit SpA and Wood & Company are acting as joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners for the placement.
Separately, Waberer’s said it would buy the 40 percent stake it doesn’t own in its Waberer’s-Szemerey Logisztika unit for a “mid-single digit million euros."