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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2701722] 12.03.18 01:19 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2701351)
Odgovori   +    1
Skoraj tretjina Uberjevih voznikov z dohodki ne pokrije niti svojih stroškov, je nedavno pokazala raziskava MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, ki so jo hitro pograbili in citirali mediji. Na primer Fast Company, ki omenja tudi podatek iz drugega vira, po katerem za Uber samo 4% voznikov dela več kot eno leto. Nadaljuje s tem, da Uber ugotovitvam raziskave oporeka.
Uber counters that the MIT study doesn’t accurately portray driver earnings. “While the paper is certainly attention grabbing, its methodology and findings are deeply flawed. We’ve reached out to the paper’s authors to share our concerns and suggest ways we might work together to refine their approach.”
Uber je dosegel, da je MIT CEEPR raziskavo umaknil s spletne strani, kjer je zdaj samo še njen naslov s pripisom
The Economics of Ride-Hailing: Driver Revenue, Expenses and Taxes (currently being revised)
This paper is currently being revised. For further information, please view the Authors' Statement below.
in posebno izjavo glavnega avtorja
Transparency and reproducibility are the foundation of any academic endeavor. What Hall and Khosrowshahi’s assessment laid bare was an assumption about revenue that I made in the absence of public ride-hailing data and a paucity of independent studies outside Uber’s own analyses.
In the spirit of collaboration, I ask the following from Uber, in keeping with the original objectives of this paper:
(1) Help make an open, honest and public assessment of the range of ride-hailing driver profit after the cost of acquiring, operating and maintaining a vehicle.
(2) Transparently present the difference between actual and tax-reportable vehicle expenses used in the business.
In support of these goals I am happy to share existing cost data from this working paper with Uber or Lyft, or to incorporate full and accurate revenue data from Uber in this analysis should they decide to share such data.
Mu(be)rky business indeed.