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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.066
[#2683630] 13.11.17 07:19
Odgovori   +    1
Spet nakladanje, tole je pa realnost:

In shadow of Germany’s climate conference, a village disappears to make way for coal

pa tudi v USA:
US Power Producers Switch Back To Cheaper Coal
BorutHocevar sporočil: 1.534
[#2683638] 13.11.17 08:01 · odgovor na: 0126Bacis (#2683630)
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Spet nakladanje
Dokument lahko razumete tudi tako. Gre pa predvsem za lobiranje. Za visokoletečimi besedami o dekarbonizaciji so tudi tile stavki:

They should also make a firm commitment to a socially viable pathway for phasing out coal power. Germany’s carbon-intensive power plant capacities should be gradually reduced in a manner that does not lose sight of power system reliability or climate targets.

Germany‘s energy-intensive industrial companies require a smart policy framework that safeguards their international competitiveness while enabling the necessary low-carbon transition.

Moj edini sklep ta hip je, da se splača spremljati nemška koalicijska pogajanja.

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