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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
businessinsider in wef sta izrecno navedena kot vira, bi kot vir naprej navaja world bank in xinhua, slike so pa commodity slike tako na bi kot na financah... (a so bile kupljene skozi shutterstock ali getty, nima pomena). skratka, eno je derivat od derivata, drugo pa derivat od derivata od derivata :)
S tem, da se v tej verigi nabere nekaj nenavadnosti. Bell, AT&T in Apple so minljivi, osnovni principi otroških iger so pa večni. :-)
Sem pa hvaležen, ker sem zaradi tega foruma osvežil vedenje, da obstajajo metrične in ameriške tone in kako zaj€b@an posel je preračunavanje podatkov o donosih. Še dobro, da niso uporabili catties & bushels. :-)

Xinhua, 28.9.2017:
Four types of rice registered an estimated output of between 6.5 to 9.3 tonnes per hectare
RT, 24.10.2017:
scientists from the Qingdao Saline-Alkali Tolerant Rice Research and Development Center reportedly managed to nearly triple yields, to 4.5 metric tons per hectare, making it ready for commercialization.
Saltwater cultivation may boost China’s rice production by nearly 20 percent and will be able to feed more than 200 million people, according to the research leader Yuan Longping, known as China’s ‘father of hybrid rice.’
Diluted seawater rice has already gone on sale. However, at 50 yuan ($7.50) a kilo the new variety is eight times more expensive than traditional rice.
BI, 2.11.2017:
saltwater-tolerant strains of rice that his research group grew this year yielded up to 8,030 pounds of rice per acre, according to China’s Xinhua News Agency.
That's more rice than most commercial US growers harvest in their yields (which usually range between 7,200-7,600 pounds per acre.)
WEF, 7.11.2017:
According to China’s Xinhua News Agency, his efforts yielded 8,030 pounds of rice per acre. For comparison, most commercial U.S. growers harvest between 7,200-7,600 pounds per acre annually.
Agrobiznis, 8.11.2017:
Po navedbah kitajske novinarske agencije Xinhua je dosegel velik pridelek – osem ton riža na hektar. Za primerjavo: večina komercialnih ameriških kmetov pridela med osem in 8,5 tone riža na hektar.
Pa še neprekosljivo luciden prevod BI/WEF -> Agrobiznis (vemo, kaj pišemo, biliv as):
But although Longping's experimental planting... showed the rice was able to grow in sea-like water, the salt concentration was diluted. “It’s still only maybe 10% the level of salt in sea water,” Wang said, cautioning that the rice is still “quite far” from any practical application for farmers.
Če bi Longping v svojih poskusih upošteval dejanskih razmere na Kitajskem, bi riž gojil v vodi z veliko manjšo koncentracijo soli, kakršno najdemo v naravi. »V morski vodi je morda 10 odstotkov soli,« je za Business Insider povedal Ren Wang
In od vseh naštetih medijev krasne nove blokčejnovsko-informacijske dobe startapov je fotografijo starega raziskovalca objavil samo BI, ki si očitno lahko edini privošči nakup pravic preko Getty Images. Revolucionarna novica pa je do Moje Dežele potovala skoraj poldrugi mesec. (pony express, the real one, we miss you press)

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2683001

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crt sporočil: 27.194
prevod glede slanosti vode je res odpuljen.

na splosno je pa s tem tako...

the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

posljes v ruscino, pa nazaj

dobis: the steak is good but the vodka sucks

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