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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
Hvala. Kdor hitro objavi, dvakrat objavi. :-)

Da uravnotežim to uravnoteževanje negativnih plati s pozitivno informacijo o "zelenih avstrijskih rudarjih", naj najprej citiram zgovoren uvod omenjenega članka na Thenextweb:
It has been well-documented that popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum combined use more energy than Iceland, Syria and Jordan. The good news though, is that this is driving crypto-miners to use clean energy, lowering costs, helping the planet and even generating profit.
V nadaljevanju pa izrazim začudenje nad učinkovitostjo dveh mladih kripto priseljenk iz Düsseldorfa na Dunaj, katerima je očitno v komaj 1-1,5 leta uspelo sredi avstrijske Štajerske uresničiti projekt izgradnje "dveh manjših lastnih hidroelektrarn" in enega kripto rudnika. V Avstriji pa res lahko hitro postaviš, kar hočeš, samo Magni ni uspelo z lakirnico! In vse to potrdiš z neodvisnim consultant-reality-journalism videom g. Frosta VIII jr., ki je evidenten del snubljenja investitorjev. No, tam je vsaj jasno navedeno, da sta ti HE najeti in ne lastni.

Promo-mani-kolekting mašinerija deluje na vseh možnih platformah:
The cryptocurrency world is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and innovative financial markets of our time. Two sisters from Austria, Nadine Damblon and Nicole Damblon, are making their mark in this niche. The two have founded HydroMiner in 2016, a cryptocurrency mining company dedicated to utilizing green energy from hydro power stations in the Austrian Alps. So by choosing HydroMiner, not only do you have the opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency but also are able to be a green investor as well.
In 2014, a mutual friend told Nicole Damblon and her sister about Cryptocurrency mining. Nicole must have listened a bit more intently than Nadine, because Nicole started mining from the sisters’ home computer! After some time and due to an increasing price, she already had made $200 ‘out of tin air’.
Kako se to štajersko rudarsko čudo samo-predstavi, kakšne slike in tehnične podrobnostmi obeh "lastnih hidroelektrarn" pokaže, da bi spodbudili tako zeleno energetsko prihodnost po svetu? Več tukaj:

Naprej se mi po teh kripto bajkah "everybody wants to be a Musk" ne da brskati. To je hujše od jugo socializma kakršnega pomnim, oz. je čisto premo primerljivo z Yugo America.