Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

BorutHocevar sporočil: 1.534

Stran dva, desni stolpec:
When any material is incinerated, the byproducts
are gases and ash. When radioactive
material is incinerated, the gas and ash
contain radioactive materials that must be
treated. The gas is filtered to remove radioactivity
in particle form; the filters become
contaminated and must be treated as
radioactive waste. The ash is then mixed with
concrete or other solidifying agents to prevent
any radioactive materials from blowing away.
(prvi zadetek)

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2680987

Strani: 1

bc123a sporočil: 48.253
> [bc123a]
> Stran dva, desni stolpec:
> When any material is incinerated, the byproducts
> are gases and ash. When radioactive
> material is incinerated, the gas and ash
> contain radioactive materials that must be
> treated. The gas is filtered to remove radioactivity
> in particle form; the filters become
> contaminated and must be treated as
> radioactive waste. The ash is then mixed with
> concrete or other solidifying agents to prevent
> any radioactive materials from blowing away.
> In:
> (prvi zadetek)

Ker imam ze vaso pozornost:

Preberite naslov.

Preberite vsebino.

Kaj pravi vsebina? Da so ocene glede globalnega segrevanja bolj sloganje kot ne.

In kaj dajo v naslov? Da so lahko CELO HUJSE.

Ja, lahko pa se izkaze, da so bile pretirano ocenjene.

Toliko o "znanstvenem konsenzu o globalnem segrevanju" ki so ga izsilili politiki od drzavno placanih "znanstvenikov".

Strani: 1