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Permafruit, zavod za zmanjševanje zavrženega sadja, Koper
Davčna številka: 29895316
Matična številka: 7239599000
Datum vpisa: 27. 2. 2017
Oblika: Zavod
Vrsta dejavnosi: Drugje nerazvrščeno izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje
Ustanovitelji: Banko Tjaša, Jehart Mihael, Kolar Jure, Šušel Jerneja, Zvonar Marjan
Zastopniki: Banko Tilen, zastopnik, Zvonar Andraž, direktor
Permafruit je patentiran izdelek, ki na naraven in učinkovit način prepreči prehitro zorenje sadja. Blazinica iz zraka veže škodljive pline, ki povzročajo gnitje sadja, ter preprečuje nastanek plesni. Blazinico je potrebno položiti v bližino sadja, ostalo pa bo Permafruit opravil sam!
Permafruit smo razvijali na podlagi raziskav prestižnih Ameriških univerz, za katerega smo v postopku pridobitve patenta.
Biorazgradljivo. Zunanjost iz recikliranih materialov ter vsebino, ki jo lahko stresete na kompost.
Domena, nosilec:, ustvarjena: 2016-03-16, poteče: 2018-03-16

Večer, april 2015
Delo, julij 2017
I'm a 19 year old guy that that lives in Europe. I just finished high school and enrolled in computer science faculty.
Here's my story: Last year I joined the entrepreneurial club in my high school. We somehow developed a product that you put next to your fruit and it keeps it fresh for roughly a week longer. We also did market research, planed our sales and marketing tactics, etc. Even at this early stage we and also I personally received a lot of criticism. Our "mentors" that should have helped us stopped attending meetings after the first week. Not even my family believed this would work out.
And then we won the national competition and got a ticket to JA Europe competition in Berlin. People seemed to give even less of a fuck about it. I was finally happy that I'm am not an idiot and our vision is actually sane.
We applied for a patent and started a long preparation for the European competition. Critical information was hard to get. Every week someone discovered a new thing we had to prepare for the competition. A week before the event all the participating teams were put up on their website with their company summary. After a thorough review we decided that we have only a few serious competitors for the award (non of them got an award) and we should get at least 3rd place.
We knew we had something different. What our competitors presented were mostly generic products or with little differentiation, but what we have was something completely unheard of. Which turned out was not an advantage at all (concerning the JA Europe competition). And before leaving I got a healthy dose of envy from random people ("trying to help" and telling me that we will get fucked over by the big guys anyway).
As we arrived in Berlin I could already see the victory as I looked through the window of a hotel that charges 10€ for a day of wifi (fuck park inn). Most teams seemed incompetent with their products that they tried to present as something new. The rules were clear; student run companies are supposed to be for profit organizations yet there was still a plethora of animal rights organizations and such (which was just the top of the iceberg of this confusing competition).
The next day we had a panel interview. We all though it went great. The judges seemed genuinely excited about our product. We answered all of their questions with ease and shook hands. The day after that we put up our stands. Judges came by and even bought our products (which was a rarity at other stands). Numerous "high caliber" guys were really into it and promised to give out product to their friends in the industry. Everyone was excited and singing us the praise (weird right). We were really excited because that evening awards would be given.
We had high expectations for that evening and we were sure we were not just overly optimistic. It was a stressful few hours that led to disappointment. We were beaten by a bottle opener company and a suit bag company. They supposedly won because their product was made out of recycled products and they had a positive impact on society.
I was sure we had a winning idea, but now I don't know anymore. Those big shot guys probably won't come through with their promises and we will be left all by ourselves again, to reinvent the wheel.
We decided to take a week off and clear our minds. I'm slowly coming to peace with it but it still feels worse than getting dumped by my girlfriend. I feel like giving up, but I don't want to. I worked on this for so long and suddenly I seems like it's not worth anything. I don't know what to do and I'm desperate.
I know it's a little long winded, but I really needed to vent.
Pa še pogled na isto zgodbo z druge strani: www.gimnazija-ravne....-podjetje/

@Vermiero = @Permafruit