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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2641444] 20.02.17 17:49 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2641440)
Odgovori   +    1
Nič ni takšno, kot je videti. Tudi ne vojna med mainstream/levimi mediji in Donaldom Trumpom. Ta medijski performans za seboj ne pušča opustošenja ampak silno cvetoče posle. Po poročanju Economista je Donald Trump pravi eliksir za ameriške "mainstream" medije.
The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have all received boosts in subscriptions and page views; cable news networks, such as CNN and the Fox News Channel, are getting huge increases in viewers at a time when most other channels are losing them; and even the long-suffering stocks of newspaper companies are rallying. Since the election shares in the New York Times Co have risen by 42%, outperforming even the mighty Goldman Sachs.
Kako dolgo lahko traja "Trump bump", sprašuje Economist? Direktor NYT Mark Thompson meni, da več mesecev, lahko tudi let, vse dokler bo sedanja vlada nadaljevala z generiranjem novic in polemik. Donny dela. :-)