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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2638919] 01.02.17 13:11 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2638915)
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Se spomnite krasnih poslovnih inovacij v ameriški banki Wells Fargo?


Po z milijoni pogašenem jesenskem požaru so minili tedni in meseci, minile predsedniške volitve, v Belo hišo se je namesto izbranke Warrena Buffeta (nadzira cca 10% WFB) vselil njen sovražnik, potem pa...
Donald Trump Just Gave Wells Fargo a Break
A government website for complaints against Wells Fargo just disappeared.
Earlier this week, the U.S. Labor Department removed a website it had created to log complaints from Wells Fargo employees who claimed to have been retaliated against by supervisors for blowing the whistle on a massive fake-account scandal that look place at the bank from at least 2011 through 2015.
This move is consistent with other ones that the Trump administration has taken to begin rolling back regulations in the financial services industry and others. But it comes at an especially important time for Wells Fargo.