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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2638021] 26.01.17 13:38 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2638003)
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Bloomberg je poročal, da Donald Trump od ameriških avtomobilskih proizvajalcev zahteva investicije v domače tovarne ob napačnem času. Po izbruhu krize in državnem reševanju avtomobilske industrije s 70 milijardami dolarjev je ta sedem let uživala kontinuirano rast prodaje, ki pa zdaj izgublja sapo. Investicije pred pričakovanim zastojem v prodaji so recept za težave v podjetjih, ki so v kriznem obdobju zaprle na ducate tovarn v ZDA.
But as the industry automates, factories don’t create jobs like they used to, said Marina Whitman, a professor of business administration and public policy at the University of Michigan.
“The American auto industry last year produced more cars than it ever had before, but they did it with somewhere between one-third and one-half the number of workers that they had decades ago,” said Whitman, who was an adviser to President Richard Nixon and GM’s chief economist from 1978 to 1992.*
“The last thing the auto industry needs is more capacity.” she said.
*Kar za GM ni bilo ravno najbolj srečno obdobje. To se da razbrati tukaj: en.wikipedia.org/wik...ral_Motors