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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2616224] 13.09.16 20:27 · odgovor na: najobj (#2616012)
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Zanimiva Economistova zgodba o centralno-vzhodno evropskih medijih, njihovih lastnikih, tajkunih, uredniških politikah itn. Čisto mimogrede je omenjen tudi Bonnier. :-)
How a media mogul helped turn Czechs against refugees
Politics in central and eastern Europe are increasingly driven by the businesses that own media outlets
On September 7th 2015, a few days after Germany decided to open its borders to tens of thousands of asylum-seekers who were stranded on their migration route into Europe, the management of TV Prima, a Czech television station, called a meeting with its news team. The network had been presenting a mix of stories on the migrants, sometimes portraying the difficulties they caused for European countries, sometimes their own suffering and hopes. But at the meeting, a senior editor and board member ordered the journalists to portray the refugees exclusively as a danger. “The custom here is that the broadcast management is God, and one just doesn’t talk back to God,” TV Prima’s editor-in-chief, Jitka Obzinova, says in an audio recording of the meeting.