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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2615785] 10.09.16 12:24 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2615782)
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Meanwhile, in Cupertino, California, USA: NYT poroča, da v obgrizenem jabolku očitno niso čisto prepričani, kako se lotiti samovozil, ali pa svoja prepričanja prilagajajo času. Morda pa še niso prepričani, kako patentirati obliko samovozila pravokotnega tlorisa, ravnih površin in zaobljenih robov. :-)
Apple is rethinking what it plans to do about self-driving cars, just as other big tech companies appear ready to plow ahead with competing efforts.
In a retrenchment of one of its most ambitious initiatives, Apple has shuttered parts of its self-driving car project and laid off dozens of employees, according to three people briefed on the move who were not allowed to speak about it publicly.
The job cuts are the latest sign of trouble with Apple’s car initiative. The company has added resources to the project — code-named Titan — over the last two years, but it has struggled to make progress. And in July, the company brought in Bob Mansfield, a highly regarded Apple veteran, to take over the effort.
Apple employees were told that the layoffs were part of a “reboot” of the car project, the people briefed on it said. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2615785

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2615790] 10.09.16 13:01 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2615785)
Odgovori   +    1
Medtem v Nemčiji škripljejo in stokajo male ljudske in zadružne banke, ki se bojijo za svoj obstoj. Trpijo zaradi številnih postkriznih birokratskih zahtev, ki jih kadrovsko oz. stroškovno ne zmorejo, k težavam pa pomembno prispevajo še nizke obrestne mere.

Politika EU naj bi ustvarjala pogoje, ki so ugodni za koncentracijo moči v velikih bankah, s tem pa ogroža poslovni model zadružnih bank. Naj spomnim, da se je nedavno razvedelo o tajnem srečanju šefov Deutsche Bank in Commerzbank in njunem pogovoru o združitvi.
Über 400 Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken bangen um ihre Zukunft. Die regulatorischen Vorgaben, die wachsende Bürokratie sind für sie einfach zu viel. Sie fühlen sich „vom Aussterben bedroht“. Denn anders als die Großbanken können sie es sich nicht leisten, Heerscharen von Mitarbeitern zu beschäftigen, um den Anforderungen aus Brüssel gerecht zu werden.
Klaus Euler, Chef der Ethikbank und selbst ernannter Anführer der kleinen Banken, hat seiner Wut nun in einem offenen Brief Luft gemacht. „Wenn mehr als 400 der insgesamt 1000 Genossenschaftsbanken Aktivitäten ihres Bundesverbandes gegen die überbordende Überregulierung auf politischer und öffentlicher Ebene einfordern, kann dieser Wunsch nicht mehr ignoriert werden“,
Ethikbank-Chef Euler geht das allerdings nicht weit und nicht schnell genug. „Mit ihrer Politik schafft die Europäische Union deutliche Wettbewerbsvorteile und gezielte Machtkonzentrationen für Großbankkonzerne; also diejenigen, die die Finanzkrise verursacht haben“, schreibt er. „Damit wird das klassische Geschäftsmodell einer Genossenschaftsbank von der Politik infrage gestellt.“
najobj sporočil: 31.920
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2615800] 10.09.16 14:02 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2615785)
Odgovori   +    0
Meanwhile, in Cupertino, California, USA: NYT poroča, da v obgrizenem jabolku očitno niso čisto prepričani, kako se lotiti samovozil, ali pa svoja prepričanja prilagajajo času. Morda pa še niso prepričani, kako patentirati obliko samovozila pravokotnega tlorisa, ravnih površin in zaobljenih robov. :-)

> Apple is rethinking what it plans to do about self-driving cars, just as other big tech companies appear ready to plow ahead with competing efforts.
> In a retrenchment of one of its most ambitious initiatives, Apple has shuttered parts of its self-driving car project and laid off dozens of employees, according to three people briefed on the move who were not allowed to speak about it publicly.
> The job cuts are the latest sign of trouble with Apple’s car initiative. The company has added resources to the project — code-named Titan — over the last two years, but it has struggled to make progress. And in July, the company brought in Bob Mansfield, a highly regarded Apple veteran, to take over the effort.
> Apple employees were told that the layoffs were part of a “reboot” of the car project, the people briefed on it said. An Apple spokesman declined to comment.
> nyti.ms/2cxmoh1
... čuj, če bi pri Applu brali toti forum forum.finance.si/?m=...517&single , bi vsaj za kolesa že vedeli, kakšne oblike morajo biti, da se jim bo patent res splačal ...

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