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[#2608298] 18.07.16 08:14 · odgovor na: (# 2607840)
> As it happens, we’ve taken a (somewhat niche) interest for some time in absurd sovereign-debt situations in which zero-coupon perpetuals might actually happen... ftalphaville.ft.com/...gb-cometh/
"What a time to be alive."
Meni to izgleda kot lovljenje krokodila. Saj veš tisto, ko dobiš nagrado, če v naslednji minuti ne pomisliš na krokodila. Pa že 10 let ni bilo nikjer nobenega krokodila, pa točno tisto minuto potem pride naokoli v tvoje misli.
In to imamo sedaj v tej borbi z deflacijo (pa i šire). Na vsak način se trudijo ne mislit na krokodila. In potem mislijo na hypota, pride krokodil in ga pohrusta. Mislijo na slona, pa imajo pogaženega krokodila. Izsušijo reko, pride nagačen krokodil. Grejo na morje, evo ti napihljivega krokodila na plaži. In ja, 13 let so japoncem predlagali, da naj pa crknjeno mačko ob polnoči, pri polni luni zakopljejo pod znamenjem. Ideja ni zamrla. Samo še pravi čas ni. Pa bo. Morda pa pomaga.kot zanimivost
The starting point of any discussion on the institutional constraints of monetary financing should be that in contrast to negative rates, it has been widely used in the past.
Monetary financing has been used in the developed world. During the two world wars governments harnessed their central banks in funding their military expenses.
Finance minister Takahashi Korekiyo is often referred to as “Japan’s Keynes” for his monetary and fiscal innovations during the 1930s. While he is best known for leaving the gold standard and devaluing the yen, his monetary financing policy also helped Japan escape the Great Depression with minimal economic damage compared to Western peers.
(je pa res, da ko je zelel proces ustaviti in zmanjsati financiranje vojske, je za nagrado dobil uspesen atentat)
monetary financing, in addition to mitigating the worst effects of the Great Depression during the late-30s, did not have adverse inflationary effects during the post-war era. He argues that monetary financing was a standard part of the central bank toolkit until the 1970s monetarists revolution and that “the 1935-70 period saw the Canadian economy recover quickly from the Great Depression, weather the Second World War, make a rapid transition from war to peace, and then enjoy a 25-year period of relatively stable and high growth with rapid industrialization.”
glej tudi: www.levyinstitute.or...my-1935-75
Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2608298
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[#2608463] 19.07.16 07:54 · odgovor na: (# 2608298)
Macquarie analysts have likened the bizarre and inherently contradictory moves in markets to a "twilight zone" which is leading investors to a world where free-market economic thinking will be overtaken by the "nationalisation of credit" and state-sponsored growth.
Monetary policy is beating a path to a world where conventional market signals such as credit spreads and the price of risk will "finally perish" and be unseated by one where states are the drivers of credit, and spending and capital formation is the domain of central banks.
"It would take the form of state-sponsored stimulation of consumption, investment, [research and development] and rescuing what essentially is a bankrupt financial superstructure (ie banks, insurance, life and pensions)," the Macquarie report, authored by Hong Kong-based analyst Viktor Shvets, said. "Whilst similar to FDR's New Deal, it would be a far more distorted world than either the 1930s or the 1960s-70s, with brand new investment signals."
The unusual commentary from Macquarie says this "state driven paradise" will be brought on by ongoing high levels of volatility and "discontinuities" similar to what markets are grappling with today.
"We don't believe these conditions are yet satisfied, but the chances are high that they would be over the next 12-18 months. In the meantime, we still expect half-hearted 'stop and go projects'. Japan is likely to be the first to 'jump' and wholeheartedly embrace this merger of fiscal, income support and monetary policies but others would eventually follow. It is just a matter of time."
Read more: www.afr.com/markets/...713-gq4ilb
kot ze veckrat omenjeno, the second coming of marx & keynes
macquarie ni neka obskurna zadeva, temvec recimo temu avstralski goldman sachs.
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