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Med Slovenijo in Veliko Britanijo je (vsaj) ena občutna razlika... Velika Britanija ima 60 milijonski (bogat) domač trg, Slovenija pa (reven) dvomiljonski od katerega ne more preživet in je življensko odvisna od tujih trgov.

Slovenijo je orenk zjebala izguba jugoslovanskega trga, ki je povzročila propad večine podjetij, ki so bila odvisna od njega.
ni direktna replika, ampak snoci sem naletel na tole zadevo, ki se mi zdi zanimiva:

nekaj kosckov za motivacijo:

- It’s worth noting most of the UK is actually quite poor compared to large areas of Western Europe, and particularly deprived relative to greater London

- In Northern Ireland, employees are paid 24 per cent less than workers in the Republic, but about the same as workers in Leipzig, which is still dealing with the legacy of 45 years of East German communism. Workers in Kent and Essex, in the home counties, are also paid less than workers in former East Germany, whilst workers in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are paid less, in absolute terms, than workers in Sicily and southern Italy

- Even people who live in Prague are better-off than people who live in Birmingham.