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Izbrana tema: članek NASA bo razvila električna letala

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Ta Flying magazine poroča, da
electric motors distributed across the research aircraft’s wing can produce a 500 percent reduction in the total energy needed to propel a GA aircraft at 175 mph
Džizs, zmanjšanje porabe energije za 500%, WTF?! Se pravi, da bo poraba energije znašala 0 (aka -100%), preostalih 400% energije pa bo kaj, kje? Jih bo avion shranjeval v baterije? Pogledam še na dno strani, kjer piše:
flyingmag.com is part of the Bonnier Boating, Aviation & Water Sports Group.
Copyright © 2016 Flying Magazine. A Bonnier Corporation Company.
Jasno, da grem pogledat še, kaj je objavila NASA, da bi videl, od kod teh 500%.
NASA’s aeronautical innovators hope to validate the idea that distributing electric power across a number of motors integrated with an aircraft in this way will result in a five-time reduction in the energy required for a private plane to cruise at 175 mph.
Allt klart!