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tilenrexi sporočil: 6.775
[Borza] Tema: TLSG
[#2569296] 17.12.15 13:50 · odgovor na: tilenrexi (#2568893)
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Zadnja sprememba: tilenrexi 17.12.2015 14:07
Hm. Dvojno dno v Telekomu?

Telekom Slovenije


The Double Bottom Reversal is a bullish reversal pattern typically found on bar charts, line charts and candlestick charts. As its name implies, the pattern is made up of two consecutive troughs that are roughly equal, with a moderate peak in-between.


Prior Trend: With any reversal pattern, there must be an existing trend to reverse. In the case of the Double Bottom Reversal, a significant downtrend of several months should be in place.


First Trough: The first trough should mark the lowest point of the current trend. As such, the first trough is fairly normal in appearance and the downtrend remains firmly in place.


Peak: After the first trough, an advance takes place that typically ranges from 10 to 20%. Volume on the advance from the first trough is usually inconsequential, but an increase could signal early accumulation. The high of the peak is sometimes rounded or drawn out a bit from the hesitation to go back down. This hesitation indicates that demand is increasing, but still not strong enough for a breakout.


Second Trough: The decline off the reaction high usually occurs with low volume and meets support from the previous low. Support from the previous low should be expected. Even after establishing support, only the possibility of a Double Bottom Reversal exists, and it still needs to be confirmed. The time period between troughs can vary from a few weeks to many months, with the norm being 1-3 months. While exact troughs are preferable, there is some room to maneuver and usually a trough within 3% of the previous is considered valid.


Advance from Trough: Volume is more important for the Double Bottom Reversal than the double top. There should clear evidence that volume and buying pressure are accelerating during the advance off of the second trough. An accelerated ascent, perhaps marked with a gap or two, also indicates a potential change in sentiment.


Poglejte predvsem volume okrog morebitnega drugega dna pri 72.15 EUR. Drastično gor. 52W low je bil dosežen 21.9.2015 pri 71 EUR.

Če se izkaže, da gre res za dvojno dno, je naslednji target pri 88 EUR.