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Izbrana tema: članek Kvantna medicina za poslovneže tudi na daljavo

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anon-79735 sporočil: 16.531
[Glavni forum] Tema: Kvantna medicina za poslovneže tudi na daljavo
[#2517661] 30.04.15 18:24 · odgovor na: dz1975 (#2517640)
Odgovori   +    0
Iz več knjig, tako kredibilnih zgodovinarjev, kot spominov W. Churchill-a. Imam doma knjižnico kakih 100 knjig zgodovine 20. stoletja. ;)
Jaz pa imam pričevanja v živo od Rusov, da je bila kar vodka, ne vino.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2517661

Strani: 1

dz1975 sporočil: 2.264
Brez zamere, ampak močno dvomim da si kdaj spoznal Malenkova, Vorošilova, Ordžonikidzeja, Molotova, Hruščeva, Bulganina, Konieva in ostalih iz Stalinovega kroga...

Navedek iz ene od knjig:
After inking the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Stalin welcomed the Nazi delegation with a 24-course banquet in the Kremlin. But before anyone could eat, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov proposed rounds of toasts to every member of the two assembled delegations—22 in all. Just when the Germans were finally preparing to eat, the visibly inebriated Molotov declared: “Now we’ll drink to the members of the delegations who could not attend this dinner.”
The (understandably) drunken German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, stammered toward Stalin to express his “admiration for Russian throats compared with those of us Germans.” The great dictator chuckled, revealing that his own cup held only a light Crimean wine, the same color as the “devilish vodka” he made everyone else drink. Japanese foreign minister Yosuke Matsuoka had a similar banquet experience two years later, resulting in a similar pact of non-aggression.

Strani: 1