Izbrani forum: Odklop
Izbrana tema: Treniranje smejalnih mišic :)
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...
sporočil: 2.641
Two people are sitting at a bar drinking, one of them turns to the
other and says
"You arent irish by any chance are you?"
"Why yes I am",replied the other man
"Fancy that! Where abouts in Ireland are you from?"
"Cor! Me 2"
"Really, where did you graduate?"
"St Marys"
"Me too!! What year?"
"Oh my God! So did i!"
The bar man sighed "Its going to be a long night... The O Malley twins are drunk again."
"You arent irish by any chance are you?"
"Why yes I am",replied the other man
"Fancy that! Where abouts in Ireland are you from?"
"Cor! Me 2"
"Really, where did you graduate?"
"St Marys"
"Me too!! What year?"
"Oh my God! So did i!"
The bar man sighed "Its going to be a long night... The O Malley twins are drunk again."