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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2739029] 23.10.18 14:27 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739018)
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Ko smo že pri Kitajski, se spodobi omeniti še eno drugo deželo z (nadvse blago rečeno) silno specifičnim modelom vladanja, Savdsko Arabijo. O njej po grotesknem izginotju (nadvse blago rečeno) Džamala Hašogdžija in zaradi njega AP poroča rafalno. Med drugim tudi o začetku "ekonomskega foruma v puščavi", na katerem je svojo udeležbo skoraj zadnji hip odpovedal tudi šef Siemensa.
Prince Mohammed was not immediately at the forum when it started.
The forum last year proved to be a glitzy affair that drew more international business attention to the kingdom. This year’s event meanwhile has seen many top business leaders and officials drop out over Khashoggi’s Oct. 2 slaying.
“As we gather here in Riyadh this morning, it is natural that our thoughts tend to focus on recent events surrounding the death of Jamal Khashoggi — a writer, a journalist and a Saudi journalist known to many of us,” said Lubna Olayan, a Saudi businesswoman [!!! op. pob.] moderating the forum’s first panel. “May he rest in peace.”
Zanimivi sta tudi poročili AP o kulturi nadzora v Turčiji in o "pobeglem" video posnetku Hašogdžijevega dvojnika, ki je prišel iz savdskega konzulata, ko je bil prvi domnevno že mrtev.
Here are prominent examples from the rich history of spying in Turkey, a key geopolitical player because of its strategic location, and the scene of many high-stakes showdowns among internal factions vying for power:
Surveillance video on CNN showed the man in Khashoggi’s dress shirt, suit jacket and pants, although he wore a different pair of shoes. It cited a Turkish official as describing the man as a “body double” and a member of the Saudi team sent to Istanbul to target the writer. The man walks out of the consulate via its back exit with an accomplice, then takes a taxi to Istanbul’s famed Blue Mosque, where he goes to a public bathroom, changes back out of the clothes and leaves. He later eats dinner with his accomplice and goes back to a hotel, where footage shows him smiling and laughing.
Danes je časovno že malo odmaknjena obrobna vestička AP, da naj bi bila sredi decembra v Riadu prva dirka svetovnega prvenstva formule E, v katerega so vpletena mnoga težkokategorna imena svetovnega biznisa ( in ).
The Formula E motorsport series is pressing ahead with plans to open its season in Saudi Arabia, even as global business leaders have suspended ties with the Gulf kingdom over the disappearance of a journalist.
But Formula E is not ready to pull out of Saudi Arabia, which will host the electric racing championship season opener on Dec. 15 in the outskirts of the capital Riyadh.
Formula E chief executive Alejandro Agag told The Associated Press on Monday that “referring to the incident, we obviously have no comment to make. At this moment there are no plans to change the Formula E calendar this season. Of course we are monitoring (the situation).”
Seveda bi bilo iluzorno že zdaj pričakovati preklic dirke hiper-eko-formule v neki zaprti puščavski despotiji, ki jo hrani sesanje in prodaja nafte, jo skupaj drži religiozno utemeljena režimska represija in ji nedotakljivost zagotavlja neznansko zapravljanje za orožje in ničevosti rodbinske elite. Ker hiper-eko-formula gre tja izključno zaradi širjenja eko-zavesti in medsebojnega sožitja. Po novem morda tudi zaradi promocije odgovornega pitja piva...
In addition to trackside branding, digital initiatives and live fan experiences - the partnership will further embed Heineken®’s enjoy responsibly messaging, which is a key part of the company’s ‘Brewing a Better World’ sustainability strategy. The award-winning campaign, ‘When You Drive, Never Drink’, communicates a powerful anti-drink driving message where consumers are left in no doubt - when you drink, you never drive.
Seveda obstaja majhno tveganje, da se v zahodnem delu sveta nenadoma pojavi nekakšen #jesuisJamalKhashoggi moment, ki bi ogrozil (odgovorno) prodajo piva, avtomobilov, zavarovalnih polic itn. Po drugi strani so švicarski privatni bankirji in globalni prodajalci investicijske opreme na take pojave praktično imuni.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2739029

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2739031] 23.10.18 14:37 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739029)
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Za konec naj via AP povzamem besede moža, ki bi ga sicer postavil v pisano družbo grotesknih Savdovih potomcev, Trumpove rodbine, nežne ruske duše Vladimirja Putina in podobnih kalibrov, turškega predsednika Reccepa Erdogana.
Saudi officials murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in their Istanbul consulate after plotting his death for days, Turkey’s president said Tuesday, contradicting Saudi Arabia’s explanation that the writer was accidentally killed. He demanded that the kingdom reveal the identities of all involved, regardless of rank.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also said he wants Saudi Arabia to allow 18 suspects that it detained for the Saudi’s killing to be tried in Turkish courts, setting up further complications with the Saudi government, which has said it is conducting its own investigation and will punish those involved. Saudi Arabia has described the suspects as rogue operators, even though officials linked to Saudi Arabia’s assertive Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have been implicated in the killing.
“To blame such an incident on a handful of security and intelligence members would not satisfy us or the international community,” Erdogan said in a speech to ruling party lawmakers in parliament.
“Saudi Arabia has taken an important step by admitting the murder. As of now we expect of them to openly bring to light those responsible — from the highest ranked to the lowest — and to bring them to justice,” said the Turkish president, who used the word “murder” 15 times in his speech.

Strani: 1