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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2620429] 09.10.16 23:14 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2619873)
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Finance lajv med vikendom od vzamejo strogo nadzorovano poročilo od uglednega strica, prvega namestnika ugledne tete iz Amerike:
MDS po sestanku z Boštjanom Jazbecem: Slovenija je spet pridobila zaupanje, privatizacija bank bi spodbudila razvoj
Pri tem je Lipton pohvalil Banko Slovenije in ministrstvo za finance, ki sta vodila prizadevanja, da se leta 2013 diagnosticirajo težave in izvedejo dokapitalizacije bank, ter odigrala ključno vlogo pri tem, da se je država izvila iz krize. »Tri koraki so obnovili zaupanje v slovenski finančni sistem in vzpostavili pogoje za vzdržno gospodarsko okrevanje,« je dejal Lipton.
Citirani odstavek, ki ga lajv povzema po se je očitno zdel pomemben tudi Delu.
Ja, ustavno sodišče mora menda kmalu nekaj odločiti in zakaj bi pritisk prihajal samo od nekega kolumnista Financ?

Zanima pa me, kje na relaciji IMF/ se je zataknil zadnji odstavek Liptonove izjave, ki je sporočilno siamski dvojček zgoraj citiranega.
Evo, lubi Slouenci, de naute rekli, de niste uedli:
“In this context, we also discussed the principles of central bank independence and non-interference with the central bank’s execution of its duties, which the IMF strongly supports. Respect for these principles is important to ensure continued confidence in the economy.”

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2620429

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2620483] 10.10.16 10:09 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2620429)
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Izvlečki vikend branja nedavnih člankov 1.

Wall Street Journal
Obama’s Political Bank Run
The U.S. stages an election robbery and nearly triggers a panic.
The government threat to Deutsche Bank’s safety and soundness began on Sept. 15. That’s when the Journal reported that Justice was demanding an eye-watering $14 billion to resolve an investigation of the bank’s sale of mortgage-backed securities prior to the 2008 financial panic.
Deutsche Bank then had to acknowledge the size of this government stick-up as its stock price proceeded to drop more than 20% in a fortnight. The lack of exuberance among investors was entirely rational. Washington’s proposed withdrawal represented most of the bank’s market capitalization.
Why announce this giant robbery now? Well, on Friday morning the Financial Times* quoted two anonymous sources as saying Justice is seeking an “omnibus settlement” from Deutsche Bank, Barclays and Credit Suisse “to achieve maximum public impact by collecting an eye-catching sum in penalties” merely “weeks before the U.S. presidential election.”
The FT is often wrong, but we assume it didn’t make this up. And you don’t have to be a cynic to believe that this Administration would stage a bank raid that it could brag about to rev up voter enthusiasm among Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Democrats.
The problem is that the feds were creating the very systemic financial risk—aka “contagion”—that they claim to want to prevent. The public raid created so many doubts that major hedge funds began to flee Deutsche Bank amid uncertainty about its financial stability. The bank’s travails also called into question the strength of other European lenders, whose stock prices also fell.
*Sklic se nanaša na tale članek Financial Timesa:
US seeks pre-election settlement of bank mis-selling claims
DoJ aims for maximum impact with omnibus fine for Deutsche, Barclays and Credit Suisse

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