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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2743535] 20.11.18 20:32 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2743533)
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Za konec pa še ena psevdosajberska iz dežele vzhajajočega sonca. Novopečeni vodja japonske vladne službe za strategijo informacijske varnosti je na vprašanje poslanca v spodnjem domu parlamenta odkrito odgovoril, da še niti enkrat v življenju ni uporabil računalnika.
Yoshitaka Sakurada said, "Since I was 25 years old and independent I have instructed my staff and secretaries. I have never used a computer."
Flabbergasted by Sakurada's comments, Imai responded, "I find it unbelievable that someone who is responsible for cybersecurity measures has never used a computer."
But Sakurada said, "It's a matter that should be dealt with by the government as a whole. I am confident that I am not at fault."
Sakurada was only appointed as cyber minister last month in a cabinet reshuffle after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was re-elected as head of the Liberal Democratic Party.
The 68-year-old is no stranger to controversy, however, as in 2016 he was admonished for saying that women forced into wartime Japanese military brothels were "prostitutes by occupation."