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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2739381] 25.10.18 14:46 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2739031)
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Danes nekaj več o avtomobilih. Najprej iz Autocara brexitanski obet, da bodo bencinski davek nadomestili s podražitvijo registracije oziroma cestne takse. Razlog? Že dolgo evidenten: električna vozila, ki se jih ogabno subvencionira tudi zato, da bi hitreje in lažje dosegli zapovedano "zmanjševanje emisij", niso neupravičeno subvencionirana samo ob nakupu, ampak predvsem kasneje, ker elektrika ni toliko obdavčena kot bencin. Če povem drugače: država, ki je nekoč glasno preganjala davčne utajevalce, ki so v dvoje dizelske kripe točili nizko obdavčeno kurilno olje namesto prometno obdavčenega plinskega olja, pri električnih avtih finančno spodbuja točno takšno početje. Do nadaljnega...
The government is forecast to collect £28.3 billion in fuel duty this financial year, and yet those who drive pure-electric vehicles will contribute precisely zero to that figure. So what will happen when we’re all humming about in electric vehicles?
The think tank Policy Exchange estimated last year that the government could lose up to £170bn by 2030 by allowing electric cars to slip through the duty net. It stands by the figure today.
A couple of pieces of evidence show the government is moving silently in the background. One was buried at the bottom of a web page run by government financial forecasters the Office for Budget Responsibility, which mentioned this year that it had agreed with the tax office to “investigate the potential impact of compositional changes in the vehicle stock and its implications for trends in fuel efficiency”. And the second from Burke, who told us that a Treasury official mentioned to him at a recent gathering that the government was looking at alternatives, including the dreaded words: road pricing.