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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2641866] 23.02.17 13:29 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2641863)
Odgovori   +    1
Zanimiv članek v NYT o tednu namernega ignoriranja vseh medijskih vsebin o Donaldu Trumpu ali v zvezi z njim.
My point: I wanted to see what I could learn about the modern news media by looking at how thoroughly Mr. Trump had subsumed it. In one way, my experiment failed: I could find almost no Trump-free part of the press.
But as the week wore on, I discovered several truths about our digital media ecosystem. Coverage of Mr. Trump may eclipse that of any single human being ever. The reasons have as much to do with him as the way social media amplifies every big story until it swallows the world. And as important as covering the president may be, I began to wonder if we were overdosing on Trump news, to the exclusion of everything else.
In January, Mr. Trump broke mediaQuant’s records. In a single month, he received $817 million in coverage, higher than any single person has ever received in the four years that mediaQuant has been analyzing the media, according to Paul Senatori, the company’s chief analytics officer. For much of the past four years, Mr. Obama’s monthly earned media value hovered around $200 million to $500 million. The highest that Hillary Clinton got during the presidential campaign was $430 million, in July.
There’s no easy way out of this fix. But as big as Mr. Trump is, he’s not everything — and it’d be nice to find a way for the media ecosystem to recognize that.
Ampak, le zakaj bi se "medijski ekosistem" obrzdal, če pa mu Trump menda zagotavlja rast gledanosti in branosti, več naročnikov in najbrž tudi denarja od oglaševalcev? Ali z drugimi besedami, kako slabe novice postanejo dobre novice. :-)