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Izbrana tema: članek Renault z višjimi prihodki

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poopmezajebava sporočil: 1.470
[#204438] 14.02.08 11:42
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Jaz sem ga kupil. V objavi rezultatov nisem videl ničesar pretirano zaskrbljujočega, navdušuje pa me op. margin Dacie Logan.
anon-70317 sporočil: 19
[#204484] 14.02.08 12:38
Odgovori   +    0
po kolk si kupo?*
poopmezajebava sporočil: 1.470
[#204575] 14.02.08 14:46 · odgovor na: anon-70317 (#204484)
Odgovori   +    0
Po 71,70. tolčem minus, a kaj češ. Bloomberg je novico sicer predstavil nekoliko bolj podrobno:
Renault Profit Gains 10% as New Models Boost Sales (Update4) By Laurence Frost Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Renault SA, France's second-largest carmaker, said second-half profit rose 10 percent as new models boosted sales. The shares declined as the company said it would reduce production of the Laguna. Net income advanced to 1.39 billion euros ($2 billion) from 1.26 billion euros a year earlier, Chief Financial Officer Thierry Moulonguet said today in a press briefing. Analysts surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated a profit of 1.28 billion euros. Revenue rose 5.3 percent to 20.1 billion euros. Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn is counting on the no- frills Logan sedan to boost sales abroad and a rash of new models at home to lift operating profit to 6 percent of revenue next year from 3.2 percent in 2005. Larger French rival PSA Peugeot Citroen said yesterday that the European car market may show a ``slight decline'' this year as economies slow. Renault plans to trim manufacturing of the Laguna car, Ghosn said today. ``We need to see some punchy numbers in terms of registrations for people to start believing in the guidance,'' said London-based Nomura analyst Michael Tyndall, who recommends buying the carmaker's stock. Renault shares fell as much as 5 percent and were down 3 euros, or 4 percent, to 71.55 euros at 10:24 a.m. in Paris. The stock has advanced 7 percent this week. The company's market value is 21 billion euros after the shares shed 17 percent in the last 12 months. Peugeot, Europe's No. 2 carmaker by revenue, has dropped 0.4 percent in the past year. Laguna Production Renault will reduce production of Lagunas to trim stockpiles of the car, Ghosn said today. He declined to give figures for the cuts. Renault has forecast a 10 percent increase in vehicle sales this year. Moulonguet reiterated a sales target of 3.33 million vehicles for 2009. Sales rose 2.2 percent last year to 2.49 million cars and light trucks, thanks to a 48 percent gain for the low-cost Logan, sold as the Dacia outside western Europe. ``We've yet to persuade the market that the Logan isn't just a volume booster, it's a profit booster,'' Ghosn said at a news conference after the results announcement. ``Low-cost cars aren't necessarily low-profit cars.'' The Logan met a 6 percent operating-margin target in Europe for the first time, he added. ``The Logan made a significant contribution to the company's profit,'' Moulonguet said at the company's base in Boulogne- Billancourt. The results ``confirm our ability to stick to a tough line on costs.'' Ebit Jumps Earnings before interest, tax and one-time items jumped 34 percent to 632 million euros in the half and by 27 percent to 1.35 billion euros for the full year, giving a 3.3 percent operating margin, meeting a target of ``more than 3 percent.'' ``The auto division's profitability was stronger than I expected in the second half, which is encouraging because that's when they started launching the new models,'' Nomura's Tyndall said. Renault's European registrations fell 4.4 percent to 1.38 million last year, compared with a 0.6-point gain for Peugeot, which has more new models in showrooms and yesterday said full- year profit more than quadrupled on lower costs and sales of new models such as the Citroen C4 Picasso minivan. After a one-year delay, Renault introduced the Twingo II small car last June and Laguna III mid-sized hatchback in October, the first of 26 new models promised by the end of next year. An update of the Megane compact, historically Renault's biggest earner, isn't due until the final quarter of 2008. The Laguna is a test of a planned push into larger, pricier vehicles that will continue with the Koleos SUV. Made by Renault's South Korean subsidiary, Renault Samsung Motors, the new vehicle will be sold in Europe starting in June.

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