
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

crt sporočil: 27.264
Zadnja sprememba: crt 05.06.2020 16:43
(sorry abohte, samo izposojam si te za reply)

esper, mattis, dempsey in zdaj se goldfein, air force chief of staff:

‘Every American should be outraged’ at police conduct in death of George Floyd

poveljstvo pomorski sil eu & afrika

poveljnik us forces korea

We should all be outraged and ashamed at the killing of George Floyd & others by police. I know I am. We should be equally outraged against racism and bigotry that continues. To be clear—there is NO place for it in our country and NO place for it in our military.

vojska kot branik stabilnosti, ko se politiki zacne trgat ... you've come a long way america.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2849498

Strani: 1

anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
(sorry abohte, samo izposojam si te za reply)

esper, mattis, dempsey in zdaj se goldfein, air force chief of staff:

‘Every American should be outraged’ at police conduct in death of George Floyd

poveljstvo pomorski sil eu & afrika

poveljnik us forces korea

We should all be outraged and ashamed at the killing of George Floyd & others by police. I know I am. We should be equally outraged against racism and bigotry that continues. To be clear—there is NO place for it in our country and NO place for it in our military.

vojska kot branik stabilnosti, ko se politiki zacne trgat ... you've come a long way america.
Ne vem kaj je tukaj čudnega ?
Vojska ima v ZDA močno družbeno/politično/moralno vlogo.. podobno kot jo je nekoč pri nas ne imela JNA..dokler je niso eni kur*evi Slovenci (in Hrvati) zjebali ;)
shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
vojska kot branik stabilnosti, ko se politiki zacne trgat ... you've come a long way america.
do carigrada...

Strani: 1