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Izbrana tema: članek Portugalska emigrantom ponuja denar za vrnitev

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[Glavni forum] Tema: Portugalska emigrantom ponuja denar za vrnitev
[#2790213] 23.08.19 14:05 · odgovor na: (#2790210)
Odgovori   +    2
Ha. Se spomnim na ta star vic:
An IT guy goes to a firing range. He shoots ten bullets at the target 50m away. The supervisors check the target and see that there’s not even a single hit. They shout to him that he missed completely. The IT guy tells them to recheck, and gets the same answer. The IT guy then aims the gun at his finger and shoots, blasting it off. He shouts back, "It’s working fine here! The problem must be at your end!"
jaz se pa spomnim na tisto, ko trije tipi sedijo pred trgovino in zivahno debatirajo, a imajo not sendvice in kaksni so in zakaj ne, pa ne da bi kaksen sel not pogledat :)