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jurijjurij sporočil: 4.944
Zadnja sprememba: jurijjurij 12.05.2019 16:43

Tesla is delivering record number of vehicles. That's a relief for Tesla, which increased total production from about 120,000 vehicles in 2017 to 350,000 in 2018. That was enough to report a $312-million profit in the third quarter, according to Tesla's earnings latest report (pdf).

POTROJI proizvodnjo v enem letu. POJMA nima. RES bi rad razumel logiko takih komentarjev.
Verjetno jo ne morem ker je ni.


Šjor Pyotr dej nehaj nabijat nebuloze in si preberi link, ki ti ga je nalimal frankiex (in si zelo, zelo dobro poglej slikico v tistem prispevku) !!!

Posebej zate še enkrat kopija iz tega fankiex-ovega linka:

Without those taxpayer-funded pollution credits that Tesla gets from the government and sells to other companies, its loss as automaker and solar-panel company would have been $918 million and its negative cash flow wouldn’t have been a cash drain of $919 million but a cash sinkhole of $1.14 billion

Tesla calls these taxpayer-funded pollution credits – part of the package of rich corporate welfare programs that Corporate America benefits from in numerous ways – “regulatory credits.”

The sales of these regulatory credits are booked as revenue, so they increase revenues by that amount. Since there are no costs associated with them, they also inflate by that amount gross profits, income from operations, net income, and cash flow. In other words, those taxpayer-funded credits are at the core of Tesla’s business model and flow straight from the top line all the way down to the bottom line.

Torej Piki česa ne razumeš?
Če prodajaš avtomobile z izgubo je vprašanje pri kateri količini prodanih avtomobilov dosežeš "break even point", ko se rodi dobiček. Vmes lahko, kljub dobrim idejam, tudi crkneš! Ja?